Using Free-Form Ad Hoc

If you are familiar with the dimensions and members of your database, you can use free-form ad hoc by typing dimension and member names directly into cells of an ad hoc grid.

You can still use the POV, member selection, and other ad hoc operations in free-form grids.

Free-Form Ad Hoc Guidelines

Consider these guidelines when working in free-form ad hoc.

  • A grid must have at least one row dimension and one column dimension.

  • Each row dimension can contain members of only one dimension. Each column dimension can contain members of only one dimension.

  • Members of one dimension can be entered only in one of the following regions:

    • In the same row

    • In the same column

  • Precede member names that contain spaces between words with a single quotation mark.

  • Aliases from the current alias table are permitted in free-form grids, but aliases from other alias tables are treated as comments.