Building a Plan with Approval Units

Plans are tracked and managed through approval units. An approval unit is the basic unit for preparing, annotating, reviewing, and approving plan data.

Using Approvals, you submit your plan data for a particular scenario, version, and entity (or part of an entity). For example, your approval unit might consist of a version (Worst Case), a scenario (Forecast), and an entity (New York).

To prepare for the approvals process, an administrator:

  • Sets up approval units, typically based on the company's organization, geographical regions, or product lines.

  • Designates who reviews and approves the plan data as the data moves through the organization (the promotion path).

  • Begins the planning cycle by officially starting each approval unit. Its state then changes to Under Review. In the Under Review state, you can enter data (if you own the approval unit), and then Promote or Submit the approval units when you consider the data ready. After doing so, you can't change the data until you become the owner again.

Approval units that an administrator has started are part of the approvals process and are managed and tracked. When all reviewers approve all approval units, the planning cycle is complete.

To work with approval units, click Approvals on the Home page.


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Learn about using Approvals. video icon Overview: Approvals in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud