Drilling Through on Charts and Legends

Drill-through can be performed on parent members to view the values of child members.

You can drill into more detailed information about the data within charts and their legends. To view drill-through details in a chart such as a Pie chart, click a color in the pie. Drill-through works for components with single Doughnut and Pie charts, as well as components with multiple Doughnut and Pie charts.

Drill-through is also available from the chart's legends. Click a legend label, and the chart changes to display drill-through details for that legend item.


Drill-through in multiple Pie and Doughnut charts from legends is not supported.

To return to the original chart after viewing drill-through details, click the parent link that displays in the upper right corner of the window.


Table, Tile, and Gauge charts do not support drilling. If you drill into a chart type such as a Pie chart, then switch to a Table, Tile, or Gauge chart, you'll no longer see the parent link to return to the original chart. If this occurs, switch back to the Pie chart to view the parent link again.