Changing Prediction Options

You can change the date ranges used for historical and predicted data, adjust which data series display in the chart, and define advanced options for the prediction, such as selecting a calendar to use for the prediction and specifying whether to include events in the prediction. These settings apply to all forms.

  1. After you run a prediction, in the results area, click Settings icon (Settings).

  2. Click Date Ranges, and then select a calendar to use its defined historical date range and prediction date range. If you don't select a calendar, you can manually set the historical date range and prediction date range.

    • A single end date for historical data is used for all members on the form. If the members do not all have the same amounts of historical data, the end date is determined by those members that have the greatest amount of similar historical data.

    • The prediction range starts one period after the end of the historical data. By default, the end date on the form determines the end date of the prediction.

    • You can't predict values beyond the end date defined in the application.

    Changes you make on the Date Ranges tab apply only to this session.

  3. Click Chart View to select the data series to display in the chart.

    Data series in the view can include a Past section, which contains historical data, and a Future section, which contains future values.

    If you add the Growth Curve to the chart, click Edit Growth Rate Edit Growth Rate icon and enter a value for the growth curve you want to see.

  4. Click Prediction Options to define advanced options for:

    Changes you make on the Prediction Options tab apply only to this session.

    Advanced options for predictions improve the quality of predictions, especially in cases where it is difficult to detect seasonality (predictions tend to go flat in these cases), where there is not enough historical data compared to the prediction range (predictions tend to be negative in these cases), or where events cause spikes or declines in historical data.

  5. The prediction runs again when you click Apply.