Modifying Future Values

After running a prediction, you can modify the values for any future data series, such as the forecast or best case and worst case scenarios.

For example, after reviewing the predicted values, you might want to adjust your forecast values to more closely align with the prediction.

To adjust values for a future data series:

  1. In the chart area, click one of the future data series.

    An x is displayed for each data point and a triangle—the chart grabber—appears at the end of the line.

  2. Change the values for the selected series using one of these methods:
    • Move the chart grabber up or down to increase or decrease values. By default, the first predicted value is constant. Moving the chart grabber up or down increases or decreases all values relative to the first value.

    • To unlock the first point in the data series, hover the cursor over the upper right corner of the prediction area, click Unlock First Period Lock first period icon, and then move the chart grabber to increase or decrease all values evenly.

      To keep the first predicted value constant, hover the cursor over the upper right corner of the prediction area, and then click Lock First Period Lock first period icon.

    • Click a data point and move it to adjust only that value. A tooltip indicates which value is adjusted and how it is changing.

    The values in the grid (for writable members) and the prediction Info Boxes are updated to reflect the adjusted values.


    You can modify values for writable cells only. You can always modify the prediction series and best/worst case series because they are not linked to values in the grid.
  3. To restore the original values, hover the cursor over the upper right corner of the prediction area, and then click Reset Series Reset Series icon.
  4. You can also change forecast values by entering new values in the grid. The chart and the Info Boxes are updated to reflect the adjusted values (for writable members).