Spreading Values Using Allocations

Using Allocate, you can mass allocate data to multiple cells, even across dimensions.


  • You can't undo a mass allocation of values.

  • The Time Balance property setting affects how data is spread with the Fill option. See How Spreading Data Works.

If your administrator assigned the Mass Allocate role to you and selected the Enable Mass Allocate property for your forms, you can spread data using Allocate. You can allocate data to all the source cell's descendants, allocate across multiple dimensions, and spread data even to cells not displayed on the form. In fact, you need not have write permission to the target cells.

To spread values using Allocate:

  1. Place the cursor in the Subtotal or Total cell whose value you want to spread.
  2. Click Data, and then Allocate.
  3. In Adjust By, enter the change factor:
    • To change values by a specified amount, click plus and minus icon (Plus/Minus). Precede the value by a minus sign to decrease the value.

    • To change values by a percentage, click percent icon (Percent).

  4. Click Spread Type for allocating the specified value or percentage across the target cells, as described in the following table.

    Table 14-2 Spread Types for Allocate

    Spread Type Description
    Proportional Spread Spreads the value proportionally, based on the existing values in the target cells (the default).
    Relational Spread Spreads into the selected cells, based on values in a different source location. Selecting this option displays the currently selected members for each dimension in the Selected column.

    Under Relative, select the members that identify the base values to be spread, creating a pattern based on the existing values in the relative cells. To select members, use the Member Selector.

    See Working with Members in Administering Planning.

    Evenly Split Spreads the value evenly among the target cells.
    Fill Replaces the value in all target cells.
  5. Click Spread.