Determining How Values are Calculated

To determine how a value is calculated, use Audit Trail. From any cell, you can drill to see the values that contributed to the cell value.


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Learn about determining how values are calculated using Audit Trail.

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To determine how a cell's value is calculated:

  1. From the Account View, click an output cell, and then from the Actions menu, click Audit Trail.

    You can also right-click a cell and click Audit Trail.

    The Audit Trail for the cell value shows the formula that was used to calculate the value.

  2. Perform any of these tasks in the Audit Trail window:
    • Drill down in elements of the formula to get more details about the value. Values that can be drilled display as blue hyperlinks.
    • Change the time period or scenario to show the audit trail for a different cell value.
    • Click the arrow next to Audit Trail Audit Trail arrow icon to see a history of audit steps. Click one of the steps to go back to that point in your audit. The audit trail is cleared and restarted when you change the time period, scenario, or account.
  3. To change an input value to see how it affects the data:
    1. Change the input value. Affected cells are highlighted in yellow.
    2. Click Update to save the updated values, or click Discard.
    3. Click Save to save the data in the model.