About Using Input Only Scenarios in Scenario Rollups

If you've created an input only scenario in a model, and that model is a parent model in a scenario rollup, you can specify the input only scenario when you define the parent model attributes for the scenario rollup. When you run the scenario rollup, for the accounts specified in the input only scenario, the parent node contributes data values to the scenario rollup instead of getting values from the child.

For example, suppose you want to set up a scenario to define the financing for your business. Financing is typically defined at the parent level rather than at the business unit (child) level. You define accounts that have the data you want to contribute to financing the business plan in an input only scenario in the parent model. You can have more than one version of the data in different input only scenarios and contribute different input only scenarios to different business cases in the scenario rollup. When you roll up, you can analyze different results depending on different finance options from the different business cases. The financing data always comes from the parent model during a scenario rollup for the accounts specified in the input only scenario.

If there is more than one input only scenario in a parent model, you can select one or more. For example, if you are modeling financing scenarios, but you also want to model operating scenarios, you can combine multiple scenarios that input values to different accounts so you can analyze different result sets.


If you select more than one input only scenario at the same time for a parent in a scenario rollup, ensure that each scenario contributes to different accounts in the scenario rollup.

About input only scenarios:

  • They have no output values and cannot be calculated.

  • They contain input values only for those accounts that are selected as members.

  • They can be contributed as data to a business case in a scenario rollup. Multiple scenarios can be contributed to the same business case.

  • Because data values and forecast methods are statically copied from the contributing input only scenario(s) to the business case at rollup time, the data is refreshed from the original source each time you run the scenario rollup.

  • Define member accounts that automatically block the rollup of values for the business case that they were contributed to.