
This 90-minute tutorial shows you how to configure additional earnings, benefits, and taxes in Workforce. The sections build on each other and should be completed sequentially.


Align critical corporate resources with the strategies that best leverage a competitive advantage. Using Workforce, departments collaborate to plan headcount and related expenses such as salaries, health care, bonuses, and taxes. Planners can see up-to-date charts and analysis that show expenses and trends.

Workforce provides several out-of-the-box and generic accounts for benefits, taxes, and additional earnings that can be assigned using Default Assignments to an employee or job, depending on the granularity.

In this tutorial, you learn how to configure and customize additional earnings, benefits, and taxes that can enhance your Workforce plans.


Cloud EPM Hands-on Tutorials may require you to import a snapshot into your Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance. Before you can import a tutorial snapshot, you must request another Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance or remove your current application and business process. The tutorial snapshot will not import over your existing application or business process, nor will it automatically replace or restore the application or business process you are currently working with.

Before starting this tutorial, you must:

  • Have Service Administrator access to a Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance. The instance should not have a business process created.
  • If you haven't already, register for a free Oracle Cloud Customer Connect account so you can access the required files.
    • Download the latest EPBCS Sample Application LCM snapshot from this idea page.
    • Upload and import the latest EPBCS Sample Application LCM snapshot into your Planning instance.


If you run into migration errors importing the snapshot, re-run the migration excluding the HSS-Shared Services component, as well as the Security and User Preferences artifacts in the Core component. For more information on uploading and importing snapshots, refer to the Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud documentation.

Reviewing User Variable Values

User Variables were added when the business process was created. User variables act as filters in forms, enabling planners to focus only on certain members. In this section, you review the values selected for user variables.

  1. On the home page, click Tools, then User Preferences.
    Navigate to User Preferences
  2. Under Preferences, click User Variables.
    Go to User Variables
  3. Review the members selected for each user variable.
    Predefined user variable values
  4. When finished reviewing, return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Configuring Additional Earnings

Adding Bonus Pay

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to the Configure page
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
    Go to Workforce
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
    Click Benefits and Taxes
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, click any of the filter links to open the Filter dialog.
    Click a filter link
  5. In the Filter dialog, select the following:
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Additional Earnings
  6. Verify your selections and click Apply.
    Filter selections
  7. In Benefits & Taxes, click Bonus Pay.
    Click Bonus Pay
  8. In Additional Earnings for Bonus Pay, select the following:
    Bonus Pay Details Value
    Component Type Simple
    Financial Account Bonus
    Payment Terms Monthly (Calendar Year)
    Value Type Percentage of Salary
    Maximum Value Type Flat Amount
    Threshold Scope YTD
    Taxable Component Yes
    Earning Type Add to Gross Pay
  9. Verify your selections and click Next.
    Verify Bonus Pay Details
  10. In Rates, verify or set the following data POV values:
    Dimension Member
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Currency USD
    Entity Sales US

  11. In the data grid, for No Option, enter 10 as the Rate for all YearTotal members for all three years (FY24, FY25, and FY26).
    Enter rates


    The data grid opens with the YearTotal member collapsed, with the Time Balance property of Account set to Balance. With out-of-box Options and Tiers, the value entered in YearTotal is copied to all periods. However, subsequent changes to YearTotal will only apply to the last period. You can expand YearTotal and manually enter and change rates in the level 0 members.
    Expanding YearTotal
  12. Click Next.
  13. Review the rate values you entered, and then click Save.
    Review rates
  14. At the information dialog, click OK.
    Information dialog
  15. In Additional Earnings, click Close.
  16. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.
  17. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Assigning Default Values

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Defaults (Defaults).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Additional Earnings.
  4. In Additional Earnings, right-click in the content area to display menu options, and then select Add Earning Default.
  5. In Add Earning Defaults, select prompt values as follows:
    Prompt Value
    Earning Bonus Pay
    Job OWP_All Jobs
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Option No Option


    When available, you can click a dimension or prompt's Member Selector(Member Selector) to open the Select Member dialog where you can search, select, and assign members, user variables, or substitution variables to a dimension.
  6. Verify your selections.
    Additional Earnings selections
  7. Click Launch.
  8. At the information message, click OK.
    Information dialog

    Bonus Pay was added an an additional earning assumption. The assumption details are displayed on the form.

    Bonus Pay assumption

Synchronizing Defaults

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  2. From the horizontal tabs, click Existing Employees.
  3. In Existing Employees, set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY24
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project

    Existing Employee data is displayed on the form.

    Existing Employees
  4. In the data grid, right-click the top left empty header cell to display menu options, and then select Synchronize Defaults.
    Synchronize Defaults
  5. In Synchronize Defaults, set the prompt values to:
    Prompt Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Department Sales US
    Enter Currency USD
    Select Job OWP_Total Jobs
    Employee OWP_Total Employees
    Select No Project


    Always verify your member selections to avoid selecting incorrect members. For example, OWP_Total Jobs is different from OWP_All Jobs, which was used in the assignment of defaults.
  6. Verify your selections and then click Launch.
  7. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  8. In the data grid, expand Total Compensation.

    The Total Earnings column displays data based on the Bonus Pay rate you previously defined, which is 10% of the Total Salary.

    Total Earnings
  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Vertical Details (Employee Details).
  10. In Employee Details, set the POV to:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Representative
    Employee Branch, Peter
    Project No Project
  11. Review the Bonus Pay data for Peter Branch.
    Bonus Pay for Peter Branch
  12. Display details for another employee. Set the POV to:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Mateo
    Employee Lopez, Mateo
    Project No Project
  13. Review the Bonus Pay data for Mateo Lopez.
    Bonus Pay for Mateo Lopez
  14. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Customizing Additional Earnings

Adding the Bonus Rate Account to the Workforce Cube

  1. On the home page, click Application, and then Overview.
    Navigate to Application Overview
  2. Click Dimensions.
    Go to Dimensions
  3. From the Cube dropdown, verify that All is selected.
    Select ALL cubes
  4. From the list of dimensions, click Account.
    Account dimension
  5. In Edit Member Properties for Account, right-click the Member Name column header to open the Select Columns dialog.
  6. Under Selections, for all properties except for Parent Member, Default Data Storage and Default Alias Table, hover over the property name of and then click X to remove it.
  7. On the left, in Select Columns, select the following columns:
    • Under Account: Account Type
    • Under Account: Time Balance
    • Data Type
    • Under Consolidation Operator: OWP_WFP Consol op.
  8. Verify your selections and click OK.
    Column selections
  9. In the Search box, enter OWP_Dynamic Properties and click Search Down (Search Down).
    Search for OWP_Dynamic Properties

    The OWP_Dynamic Properties member is displayed and selected in the grid.

    OWP_Dynamic Properties


    You can find the OWP_Dynamic Properties member under Account\OWP_Workforce Planning - Accounts\OWP_Workforce Planning Assumptions\OWP_Employee Properties.
  10. With OWP_Dynamic Properties selected, click Add Sibling (Add Sibling).
    Adding a sibling
  11. In Add Sibling, accept the default value of 1 in Number of members to add and click Apply.
    Add Sibling dialog

    A new row is added to the grid.

    New member row
  12. Replace the member name with Bonus_Rate.


    Make sure to include the underscore in between "Bonus" and "Rate".
  13. For Bonus_Rate, set the following member properties:
    Property Value
    Default Data Storage Store
    Data Type Non-Currency
    OEP_WFP Consol op. Ignore
    Account Type Saved Assumption
    Time Balance Average
    Default Alias Table Bonus Rate


    For aggregation logic, consider selecting Never for accounts with rates if there is no requirement to aggregate the data with other dimensions. Selecting Never saves a lot of upper-level blocks from being created during aggregation.
  14. Verify your selections and click Save.
    Bonus rate properties


    Verify your selections after saving to make sure your updates are saved.
  15. Click Refresh Database (Refresh Database).
  16. In Refresh Database, make the following selections and click Refresh Database:
    Before Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for Administrators
    After Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for All users
  17. Review the warning message and click Refresh.
    Refresh Database Warning


    Best practices suggest creating a full backup of your entire application instance prior to making any metadata changes.

    The cube refresh process takes a moment to complete.

  18. When the status displays as Succeeded and the percent complete is 100%, click Finish.
    Refresh database completed
  19. In Refresh Database, click Close.
  20. In Edit Member Properties for Account, click Cancel.

Creating a Form for Bonus Rate Input

  1. Click Navigator (Navigator), and under Create and Manage, click Forms.
    Navigate to Form Management
  2. In Folders, expand Library, then Workforce, and select Workforce - Plan Sheets - Compensation.
    Expanding folders
  3. In the content area, select Manage Existing Employees and click Edit Form (Edit).
    Edit Manage Existing Employees Form
  4. In Form and Ad Hoc Grid Management for Manage Existing Employees, click Save As.
  5. In the Save As dialog, enter Input Bonus Rate per Employee as the new name for the form and click OK.
    Enter the new form name

    The Input Bonus Rate per Employee is now opened in Form and Ad Hoc Grid Management.

    Edit the Input Bonus Rate per Employee form
  6. Click the Layout tab.
  7. In Column A, make the following changes:
    • Replace the Account members with Bonus_Rate.
    • Replace the Period members with Assumptions.


      Assumptions is the default alias for the BegBalance period member.
  8. Right-click Column B and select Delete Column.
    Delete Column B

    Column C replaces the original Column B.

    Form grid columns
  9. In Column B, click in the Account cell to display Dimension Properties.
  10. In Dimension Properties for Account (Column B), select Start Expanded.
    Start Expanded
  11. Expand Display Properties.
  12. In Display Properties, make the following changes:
    Property Value
    Make form read only Deselect
    Hide Save Confirmation Message Selected
  13. Verify your selections.
    Display Properties
  14. Click the Business Rules tab.
  15. In Business Rules, select the OEP_WFP-Rule-Calculate Existing Employee Compensation rule and click Add.
    Adding rules to forms
  16. In Business Rules Properties, for OEP_WFP-Rule-Calculate Existing Employee Compensation, select Use Members on Form.
    Business Rule Properties
  17. Click Finish.
  18. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Creating a Navigation Flow

  1. Click Navigator (Navigator), and under Tools, click Navigation Flows.
    Navigate to Navigation Flows
  2. Select the Default navigation flow row, and then click Actions (Actions) and select Create Copy.
    Create a copy of the default navigation flow
  3. In Create Navigation Flow, enter WFP as the name and click OK.
    Create Navigation Flow dialog
  4. In Navigation Flow, click WFP to edit it.
    WFP navigation flow
  5. In WFP, expand Workforce and click Compensation Planning.
    Edit the Compensation Planning card
  6. In Manage Card - Content, click Manage Employees.
    Edit Manage Employees
  7. In Manage Tab - Content, click Add New Sub Tab.
  8. In Manage Sub Tab, type Enter Bonus Rate as the name.
  9. For Artifact, click Choose artifact (Choose Artifact).
  10. In Library, locate and select Input Bonus Rate per Employee, and click OK.


    Input Bonus Rate per Employee is saved under Library\Workforce\Workforce - Plan Sheets - Compensation.
  11. In Manage Sub Tab, click Save and Close.
  12. In Manage Tab, verify that Enter Bonus Rate is listed as a tab and click Save and Close.
    Verifying Enter Bonus Rate in Manage Tab
  13. In Manage Card, click Save and Close.
  14. In WFP, click Save and Close.
  15. In Navigation Flow, for WFP, click Inactive.
    Activate WFP
  16. Verify that WFP is set to Active and click Home (Home) to return to the home page.
  17. On the upper-right of the home page, click Administrator and select Reload Navigation Flow.
    Reload the navigation flow
  18. On the home page, click Workforce, and then Compensation Planning.
    Navigate to Compensation Planning
  19. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  20. From the horizontal tabs, click Enter Bonus Rate.

    The Input Bonus Rate per Employee form is displayed.

    Input Bonus Rate
  21. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Modifying the Member Formula for Custom Earnings

  1. On the home page, click Application, and then Overview.
    Navigate to Application Overview
  2. Click Dimensions.
    Go to Dimensions
  3. From the Cube dropdown, verify that All is selected.
    Select ALL cubes
  4. From the list of dimensions, click Account.
    Account dimension
  5. In Edit Member Properties for Account, right-click the Member Name column header to open the Select Columns dialog.
  6. On the left, in Select Columns, expand Member Formula and select OEP_WFP Formula.
  7. Verify your selections and click OK.
    Column selections
  8. In the Search box, enter OWP_Earning1 and click Search Down (Search Down).
    Search for OWP_Earning1

    The OWP_Earning1 member is displayed and selected in the grid.

    OWP_Dynamic Properties


    You can find the OWP_Earning1 member under Account\OWP_Workforce Planning - Accounts\OWP_Workforce_Expenses\OWP_Total Compensation\OWP_Total Earnings.
  9. For OWP_Earning, click the OEP_WFP Formula cell.

    After selecting the OEP_WFP Formula cell for OWP_Earning1, the member formula is displayed above the grid.

    Member Formula bar above the grid
  10. On the left of the member formula, click Member Formula (Member Formula).

    The Member Formula dialog is displayed.

    Member Formula
  11. On the toolbar, click Wrap (Wrap) to display member formula text within window boundaries.
  12. Scroll down to line 112 where the /*Month options*/ comment is displayed.
    Month options
  13. Locate line 125 and insert a line right below it.
    Insert a line
  14. Copy and paste the following formula into that section:
    IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Bonus_Pay] AND "Bonus_Rate"->"No Property"->"BegBalance" <> #Missing) "OWP_Expense Amount"="OWP_Total Salary"->"OWP_Expense Amount"*("Bonus_Rate"->"No Property"->"BegBalance"/100); ENDIF

    Bonus Pay is calculated based on this formula: Bonus Pay = Total Salary x Bonus Rate.

    Formula inserted

    In this example, the calculation only applies to existing employees. New hires will initially receive the default bonus pay.

    You can optionally copy the same formula into the other payment terms.

    You can further customize this member formula by modifying sections on thresholds, gross pay, and taxable calculations. Prior to making changes, backup your application. Then, apply your changes to all relevant payment terms and earning accounts.

  15. Click Validate.

    A validation message displays at the bottom of the dialog.

    Validation message
  16. Click Save.
  17. In Edit Member Properties for Account, click Save.
  18. Click Refresh Database (Refresh Database).
  19. In Refresh Database, make the following selections and click Refresh Database:
    Before Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for Administrators
    After Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for All users
  20. Review the warning message and click Refresh.
    Refresh Database Warning

    The cube refresh process takes a moment to complete.

  21. When the status displays as Succeeded and the percent complete is 100%, click Finish.
    Refresh database completed
  22. In Refresh Database, click Close.
  23. In Edit Member Properties for Account, click Cancel.
  24. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Entering Bonus Rates

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, and then Compensation Planning.
    Navigate to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Enter Bonus Rate.

    The Input Bonus Rate per Employee form is displayed.

    Input Bonus Rate

    In this tutorial, you enter bonus rates for FY24. Typically, you enter bonus rates for all applicable years.

    Note that by default, Total Earnings is calculated at 10% of Total Salary.

  4. For Feng, Amy, enter 5 as the Bonus Rate.

    The member formula you added in the previous section calculates the bonus rate by 100, which calls for the bonus rate value to be entered as "5" instead of "5%" or "0.05."

    IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Bonus_Pay] AND "Bonus_Rate"->"No Property"->"BegBalance" <> #Missing) "OWP_Expense Amount"="OWP_Total Salary"->"OWP_Expense Amount"*("Bonus_Rate"->"No Property"->"BegBalance"/100);

  5. Click Save.
  6. Right-click the member cell for Feng, Amy and select Calculate Compensation.
    Select the data row for Amy Feng and run Calculate Compensation
  7. At the information dialog, click OK.
    Information dialog

    Total Earnings, Total Taxes, and Total Compensation for Amy Feng were updated based on the entered Bonus Rate value.

    Calculated Compensation
  8. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Modifying Benefits and Synchronizing Component Definitions

In this section, you modify existing Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes using the configuration parameters in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard.

Adding a Threshold to Bonus Pay

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to Configure
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, click any of the filter links to open the Filter dialog.
  5. In the Filter dialog, select the following :
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Additional Earnings
  6. Verify your selections and click Apply.
    Filter selections
  7. In Benefits & Taxes, click Bonus Pay.
    Click Bonus Pay
  8. In Additional Earnings for Bonus Pay, review details and click Next.
  9. In the data grid, for No Option, enter 18000 as the Threshold for all YearTotal members for all three years (FY24, FY25, and FY26):
    Enter Threshold for No Option

    Here are a few tips when performing grid operations:

    • Enter the shortcut 18K for 18000.
    • To copy values across multiple cells, make sure that the cells you want to copy to are visible. You may need to expand columns. Then, select the cell you want to copy. Point your cursor to the bottom right cell border of the selection. When the pointer becomes a (+) move cursor, click and drag the border across the cells where you want the value copied. For example, for FY24, expand YearTotal, then its quarters, then its months. Enter a value in Jan. Make sure the cell focus is still in Jan, then point your cursor to the bottom right of its cell border. When the move cursor is displayed, click and drag the border across all periods in FY24.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the threshold values you entered and click Save.
    Review threshold data
  12. At the information message, click OK.
  13. In Additional Earnings, click Close.
  14. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.
  15. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Synchronizing Component Definition

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Enter Bonus Rate.
  4. Right-click the member cell for Conway, Martin and select Synchronize Component Definition.
    Synchronize Component Definition


    With Synchronize Defaults previously run against data, changes were made to an existing component (Bonus Pay) for an existing employee. In this case, only Synchronize Component Definition is required to efficiently process the recent changes where threshold data was added.

    Synchronize Defaults is only required for new components added to the Benefits and Taxes Wizard or the first time an employee is added to an entity.

    For changes to apply to the Calculate Compensation rule, you must run the applicable Synchronize rule first.
  5. At the information message, click OK.
  6. Review the changes to Total Earnings, Total Taxes, and Total Compensation for Martin Conway.

    Total Earnings is now capped at 18,000 based on the threshold value entered in the Benefits & Taxes Wizard. Total Taxes and Total Compensation were updated based on this change.

    Updated data for Conway, Martin
  7. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Configuring Rate Table Benefits

Defining a Rate Table Benefit

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to Configure
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, verify or set filter values:
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Benefits
  5. In Benefits & Taxes, click Other Benefit 1.
    Click Other Benefit 1
  6. In Benefits for Other Benefit 1, select the following values:
    Benefit Details Value
    Component Type Rate Table
    Financial Account Other Benefits
    Payment Terms Monthly (Calendar Year)
    Value Type Flat Amount
    Taxable Component No
  7. Verify your selections and click Next.
    Benefit details
  8. Verify or set the POV with the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Currency USD
    Entity Sales US
  9. In the data grid, enter the following rates for these Options:
      FY24 FY25 FY26
      YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal
    Option 3 36000 48000 60000
    Option 2 24000 36000 48000
    Option 1 12000 24000 36000


    Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3 are not pre-seeded members and are customer-specific. For training purposes, these members were added as generic options with a Time Balance setting of Flow. For example, to get a 3,000/month value for Option 3, you enter 36,000 for YearTotal. You can set Time Balance options based on your company requirements. For a list of supported Time Balance options, see the documentation on Administering Planning.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the values you entered and click Save.
    Review data
  12. At the information message, click OK.
  13. In Benefits, click Close.
  14. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.

Adding Defaults for Other Benefit 1

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Defaults (Defaults).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Benefits.
  4. In Benefits, right-click in a read-only cell in the content area and select Add Benefit Defaults.
    Context menu options
  5. In Add Benefit Defaults, set values as follows:
    Prompt Value
    Benefit Other Benefit 1
    Job Sales Representative
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Option Option 1


    Use Member Selector to find and select member values for Job and Union Code. When selecting the Sales Representative Job member, it may display its alias Sales Associate in Add Benefit Detaults.
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Option 1
  7. At the information message, click OK.

    Option 1 for Sales Representatives is added to the form.

    Option 1
  8. Perform steps 4 to 7 using the following selections for Option 2 and Option 3.
    • Option 2
      Prompt Value
      Benefit Other Benefit 1
      Job Sales Manager
      Union Code OWP_All Union Code
      Option Option 2
    • Option 3
      Prompt Value
      Benefit Other Benefit 1
      Job Sales Director
      Union Code OWP_All Union Code
      Option Option 3
  9. Verify that Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3 are added to the form.
    Option defaults added to the form

Synchronizing Defaults

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  2. From the horizontal tabs, click the Enter Bonus Rate.
  3. Verify or set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY24
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project
  4. In the data grid, right-click the top left empty header cell to display menu options, and then select Synchronize Defaults.
  5. In Synchronize Defaults, set the prompt values to:
    Prompt Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Department Sales US
    Enter Currency USD
    Select Job OWP_Total Jobs
    Employee OWP_Total Employees
    Select No Project
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Prompt selections
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. Review the data changes for the Sales Manager, Sales Director, and Sales Associate employees.
    Updated data on the form

    Benefit defaults were synchronized for these jobs, mapping to the Option members you added values to.

  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click the Employee Details (Employee Details).
  10. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Representative
    Employee Branch,Peter
    Project No Project

    Updated compensation details including new benefits for Peter Branch is displayed. The Compensation data grid includes Other Benefit 1 with a monthly value of $1,000 that corresponds to Option 1.

    Peter Branch Employee Data
  11. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Manager
    Employee Smith,Alex
    Project No Project

    Updated compensation details including new benefits for Alex Smith is displayed. The Compensation data grid includes Other Benefit 1 with a monthly value of $2,000 that corresponds to Option 2.

    Alex Smith Employee Data
  12. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Director
    Employee Conway,Martin
    Project No Project

    Updated compensation details including new benefits for Martin Conway is displayed. The Compensation data grid includes Other Benefit 1 with a monthly value of $3,000 that corresponds to Option 3.

    Martin Conway Employee Data
  13. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Configuring Rate Table and Threshold Benefits

Defining a Rate Table and Threshold Benefit

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to Configure
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, verify or set filter values:
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Benefits
  5. In Benefits & Taxes, click Other Benefit 2.
    Click Other Benefit 2
  6. In Benefits for Other Benefit 2, select the following values:
    Benefit Details Value
    Component Type Rate Table and Threshold
    Financial Account Other Benefits
    Payment Terms Semiannually (Calendar Year)
    Payment Frequency One-time Pay
    One Time Pay Options Fourth Month
    Value Type Percentage of Salary
    Maximum Value Type Flat Amount
    Threshold Scope YTD
    Taxable Component No
  7. Verify your selections and click Next.
    Benefit details
  8. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Currency USD
    Entity Sales US
  9. In the data grid, enter the following rates and thresholds for Option 1 and Option 2:
      FY24 FY25 FY26
      Rate Threshold Rate Threshold Rate Threshold
      YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal
    Option 2 120 36000 120 39000 120 42000
    Option 1 120 24000 120 27000 120 30000


    Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3 are not pre-seeded members and are customer-specific. For training purposes, these members were added as generic options with a Time Balance setting of Flow. You can set Time Balance options based on your company requirements. For a list of supported Time Balance options, see the documentation on Administering Planning.
    Review data
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the rate and threshold data you entered, and then click Save.

    Data is displayed for April and October based on the fourth month pay options selected.

    Rate and threshold data
  12. At the information message, click OK.
  13. In Benefits, click Close.
  14. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.
  15. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Adding Defaults for Other Benefit 2

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Defaults (Defaults).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Benefits.
  4. In Benefits, right-click in a read-only cell in the content area and select Add Benefit Defaults.
    Context menu options
  5. In Add Benefit Defaults, set values as follows:
    Prompt Value
    Benefit Other Benefit 2
    Job Sales Manager
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Option Option 1


    Use Member Selector to find and select member values for Job and Union Code.
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Option 2 for Other Benefit 2
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. Perform steps 4 to 7 using the following selections for Option 2:
    Prompt Value
    Benefit Other Benefit 2
    Job Sales Director
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Option Option 2
  9. Verify that Other Benefit 2 for Option 1 and Option 2 are added to the form.
    Other Benefit 2

Synchronizing Defaults

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  2. From the horizontal tabs, click the Enter Bonus Rate.
  3. Set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY24
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project
  4. In the data grid, right-click the top left empty header cell to display menu options, and then select Synchronize Defaults.
  5. In Synchronize Defaults, set the prompt values to:
    Prompt Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Department Sales US
    Enter Currency USD
    Select Job OWP_Total Jobs
    Employee OWP_Total Employees
    Select No Project
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Prompt selections
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. Review the data changes for the Sales Manager and Sales Director employees.
    Updated data on the form

    Benefit defaults were synchronized for these jobs, mapping to the Option members you added values to.

  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click the Employee Details (Employee Details).
  10. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Manager
    Employee Smith,Alex
    Project No Project

    Updated compensation details, including new benefits, for Alex Smith are displayed. The Compensation data grid includes a benefit (Other Benefit 2) in both April and October. The Other Benefit 2 amount for April is $1,250 in April which is 10% of that month's salary. The Other Benefit 2 amount for October is reduced to $750 due to the maximum annual threshold amount of $2000.

    Sara Molinari Employee Data


    Scroll to the right to display the rest of the period data.
  11. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Director
    Employee Conway,Martin
    Project No Project

    Updated compensation details, including new benefits, for Martin Conway are displayed. The Compensation data grid includes a benefit (Other Benefit 2) in both April and October. The Other Benefit 2 amount for April is $1,667 in April which is 10% of that month's salary. The Other Benefit 2 amount for October is reduced to $1333 due to the maximum annual threshold amount of $3000.

    Patrick John Employee Data
  12. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Configuring a Multi-Tiered Rate and Threshold Table for Taxes

Defining a Rate Table and Threshold Tax Option

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to Configure
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, click any of the filter links to open the Filter dialog.
  5. In the Filter dialog, select the following values and click Apply:
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Taxes
  6. In Benefits & Taxes, click Other Tax 1.
    Click Other Tax 1
  7. In Taxes for Other Tax 1, select the following values:
    Tax Details Value
    Component Type Rate Table and Threshold
    Financial Account Payroll Taxes
    Payment Terms Monthly (Calendar Year)
    Value Type Percentage of Taxable Earnings
    Maximum Value Type Threshold Amount
    Threshold Scope YTD
  8. Verify your selections and click Next.
    Benefit details

    Selecting Threshold Amount for the Maximum Value Type allows for taxes to cross the Tiers for different thresholds rather than assigning any one Tier as a default. For example, a Country Tax might be 10% on the first $75,000 of Year-to-Date (YTD) earnings, 5% on the amount above the first Threshold ($75,000), up to $100,000 of YTD earnings, and 1% on anything above the second Threshold ($100,000). This allows the default to be applied across multiple tax tiers depending on the taxable earnings.

  9. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Currency USD
    Entity Sales US
  10. In the data grid, enter the following rates and thresholds for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3:
      FY24 FY25 FY26
      Rate Threshold Rate Threshold Rate Threshold
      YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal YearTotal
    Tier 1 10 75000 10 76000 10 77000
    Tier 2 5 100000 5 102500 5 105000
    Tier 3 1 999999999 1 999999999 1 999999999


    The final tier's threshold is set to an exceptionally large value to cover the infinite amount above the penultimate threshold.
    Review data
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review the rate and threshold values you entered, and then click Save.
    Rate and threshold data
  13. At the information message, click OK.
  14. In Taxes, click Close.
  15. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.
  16. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Adding Defaults for Other Tax 1

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Defaults (Defaults).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Taxes.
  4. In Taxes, right-click in a read-only cell in the content area and select Add Tax Default.
    Add Tax Default
  5. In Add Tax Default, set values as follows:
    Prompt Value
    Tax Other Tax 1
    Job OWP_All_Jobs
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Tier No Tier


    Since Threshold Amount was selected as the Maximum Value Type, the Tier setting in this prompt becomes irrelevant as it is ignored in the calculation.
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Tax Default prompt
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. Verify that Other Tax 1 - No Tier is added for all jobs.
    Other Tax 1

Synchronizing Defaults

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  2. From the horizontal tabs, click Enter Bonus Rate.
  3. Verify or set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY24
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project
  4. In the data grid, right-click the top left empty header cell to display menu options, and then select Synchronize Defaults.
    Synchronize Defaults
  5. In Synchronize Defaults, select the following members:
    Prompt Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Department Sales US
    Enter Currency USD
    Select Job OWP_Total Jobs
    Employee OWP_Total Employees
    Select No Project
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Prompt selections
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  9. Set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Director
    Employee Conway,Martin
    Project No Project

  10. Review the updated compensation details in the Compensation data grid in the bottom left of the page.
    Compensation details for Patrick John

    In this example, Total Taxable Earnings includes Basic Salary (referenced by Grade9), Bonus Pay, and Car Allowances.

    Notice the months where the Other Tax 1 amount changes.

    • In May, the amount drops as the $75,000 YTD Threshold is met in this month. There is a partial amount paid at the 10% Rate and the remainder at the 5% Rate.
    • In June, the amount drops again as the $100,000 YTD Threshold is met in this month. There is a partial amount paid at the 5% Rate and the remainder at the 1% Rate.
    • In July, the amount drops again as the entire Total Taxable Earnings are now at the 1% Rate.
    • In November, the amount drops again because the Bonus Pay meets its Threshold in this month. The Total Taxable Earnings drops while still at the 1% Other Tax 1 Rate.
    • In December, the amount drops again since the Bonus Pay is now zero. The Total Taxable Earnings drop again while still at the 1% Other Tax 1 Rate.

  11. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Creating a Custom Additional Earning

Defining a Custom Earning

  1. On the home page, click Application, then Configure.
    Navigate to the Configure page
  2. From the Configure dropdown, select Workforce.
  3. In Configure: Workforce, click Benefits and Taxes.
    Click Benefits and Taxes
  4. In Benefits & Taxes, click any of the filter links to open the Filter dialog.
    Click a filter link
  5. In the Filter dialog, select the following:
    Filter By Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Components Additional Earnings
  6. Verify your selections and click Apply.
    Filter selections
  7. In Benefits & Taxes, click Other Earnings 1.
    Other Earnings 1
  8. In Additional Earnings for Other Earnings 1, select the following values:
    Other Earnings Details Value
    Component Type Custom
    Financial Account Pension Plan
    Payment Terms Monthly (Calendar Year)
    Value Type Percentage of Salary
    Maximum Value Type Flat Amount
    Threshold Scope YTD
    Taxable Component No
    Earning Type Do Not Add to Gross Pay
  9. Verify your selections and click Next.
    Other Earnings details
  10. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Currency USD
    Entity Sales US
  11. In the data grid, for Option 1, enter 120 as the Rate for all YearTotal members for all three years (FY24, FY25, and FY26):
    Enter rates for Option 1
  12. Click Next.
  13. Review the rate values you entered and click Save.
    Review rate values
  14. At the information message, click OK.
  15. In Additional Earnings, click Close.
  16. In Benefits & Taxes, click Close.
  17. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Adding a Member Formula to a Custom Earning

  1. From the navigation options on the top of the page, click Overview.
    Go to Application Overview
  2. In Application Overview, click Dimensions.
    Click Dimensions
  3. From the Cube dropdown, select OEP_WFP.
    Select OEP_WFP
  4. From the list of dimensions, click Property.
  5. In Edit Member Properties for Property, right-click the Member Name column header to open the Select Columns dialog.
  6. On the left, in Select Columns, expand Member Formula and select OEP_WFP Formula.
  7. Verify your selections and click OK.
    Column selections
  8. In Member Name, expand Property.
  9. Click the OWP_Custom Expense member to select its row.
    OWP_Custom Expense
  10. For OWP_Custom Expense, click the OEP_WFP Formula cell.
  11. Right above the grid, click Member Formula (Member Formula).

    The Member Formula editor dialog is opened.

    Member Formula editor
  12. Click Wrap (Wrap).
  13. Copy and paste the following formula into the editor:
    IF(@ISMBR(@RELATIVE("OWP_Existing Employees",0)))
    IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Other_Earnings_1])
    "OWP_Training Expense"->"OWP_Expense Amount" * ("OWP_Value"/100);

    In this example, the Additional Earning is limited to existing employees. Note the use of Training Expense in the calculation.

    Member formula

    Make sure to remove any extra spaces at the end of the formula.

  14. Click Validate.

    When the validation completes, a message is displayed.

    Member formula valid
  15. Click Save.
  16. Click Refresh Database (Refresh Database).
  17. In Refresh Database, make the following selections and click Refresh Database:
    Before Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for Administrators
    After Refresh Database
    Enable Use of the Application for All users
  18. Review the warning message and click Refresh.
    Refresh Database Warning


    Best practices suggest creating a full backup of your entire application instance prior to making any metadata changes.

    The cube refresh process takes a moment to complete.

  19. When the status displays as Succeeded and the percent complete is 100%, click Finish.
    Refresh database completed
  20. In Refresh Database, click Close.
  21. In Edit Member Properties for Property, click Save, then click Cancel.
  22. Return to the home page. On the upper-right, click Home (Home).

Adding Custom Earning Defaults

  1. On the home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning.
    Go to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Defaults (Defaults).
  3. From the horizontal tabs, click Additional Earnings.
  4. In Additional Earnings, right-click in a read-only cell in the content area and select Add Earning Default.
    Add Tax Default
  5. In Add Earning Default, set values based on the following:
    Prompt Value
    Earning Other Earnings 1
    Job OWP_All Jobs
    Union Code OWP_All Union Code
    Option Option 1
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Set earning defaults prompt
  7. At the information message, click OK.

    Other Earnings 1 - Option 1 is displayed on the form.

    Other Earnings 1 was added to the form

Synchronizing Defaults

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Employees (Manage Employees).
  2. From the horizontal tabs, click Enter Bonus Rate.
  3. Set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY21
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project
  4. In the data grid, right-click the top left empty header cell to display menu options, and then select Synchronize Defaults.
  5. In Synchronize Defaults, set the prompt values to:
    Prompt Value
    Scenario OEP_Plan
    Version OEP_Working
    Department Sales US
    Enter Currency USD
    Select Job OWP_Total Jobs
    Employee OWP_Existing Employees
    Select No Project


    Make sure to select OWP_Existing Employees since the member formula you entered is restricted to them.
  6. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Prompt selections
  7. At the information message, click OK.
  8. From the navigation options on the top of the page, click Other Expenses.
    Navigate to Other Expenses
  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Non Compensation Expenses (Non Compensation Expenses).
  10. Set the POV to the following members:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Scenario Plan
    Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Years FY24
    Employee Feng,Amy
    Project No Project

    Data for Amy Feng is displayed.

    Data for Amy Feng.

    Notice the $500 per month value. This will be the basis for the 10% custom calculation.

  11. From the navigation options on the top of the page, click Compensation Planning.
    Navigate to Compensation Planning
  12. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  13. Verify or set the POV and Page selections to the following:
    Dimension Member
    Job Sales Ops Analyst
    Employee Feng,Amy
    Project No Project
  14. Verify that Other Earnings 1 is displayed on the form. The value is calculated as 10% of Training Expense.
    Other Earnings 1

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