Before you Begin

This 45-minute tutorial shows you how to update and process data on multiple existing employees or jobs and then process the updated data in Workforce using Mass Update forms. The sections build on each other and should be completed sequentially.


You can quickly update and process data on multiple existing employees or jobs and then process the updated data in Workforce using Mass Update forms.

  • You can change existing properties or add a new record and then apply configured default assignments.
  • You can change existing properties or add a new record and then override default assignments and rates.
  • After modifying salary, you can re-apply configured default assignments for benefits, additional earnings and taxes.
  • You can override default assignments and then apply the configured defaults.

Designed for optimal processing efficiency, each form is associated with a Groovy rule that processes only the changed data.

Which form you use depends on the kind of data you’re updating.

Your Objective Use This Form Associated Groovy Rule
If you need to:
  • Assign updated entity defaults for benefits, taxes, and additional earnings, based on employee or job driver details
  • Update employee properties, job properties, or salary-related information
  • Calculate the non-salary components based on the definition of components in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard
Process Data and Synchronize Defaults

When you make updates on this form:

  • The updates are copied to all future periods in the Year Range.
  • Applies the entity defaults with the component definition and rates in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard.
Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults
If you need to:
  • Update, add, or remove an existing benefit, tax, or additional earning
  • Update employee properties or job properties
  • Calculate the non-salary components based on the definition of components in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard

Process Updated Data

When you make updates on this form:

  • The updates are copied to all future periods in
    the Year Range.
  • Compensation is calculated based on the rates entered in the form.
Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition
If you need to:
  • Assign updated entity defaults for benefits, taxes, and additional earnings based on employee or job driver details by changing the Process option to Yes for the employees or jobs to which you want to apply the updated entity defaults
  • Change the salary, basis, and rate for an employee
  • Calculate the non-salary components based on the definition of components in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard

Synchronize Defaults

When you update salary details for the selected year and month in the POV on this form:

  • The updates are copied to all future periods in the Year Range.
  • The entity defaults are reapplied and recalculated based on the modified salary.
Incremental Synchronize Defaults
If you need to:
  • Apply any changes across component information (such as rate changes, payment frequency, or maximum value type) for the benefit, tax, or additional earning by changing the Process option to Yes for the employees or jobs
  • Update, add, or remove an existing benefit, tax, or additional earning
  • Calculate the non-salary components based on the definition of components provided in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard

Synchronize Definitions

When you change the assignments of earnings, benefits or, taxes and corresponding options and tiers:

  • The updates are copied to all future periods in the Year Range.
  • Compensation is recalculated based on the component definition and rates in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard.
Incremental Synchronize Definition

In this tutorial, you update and process data on multiple existing employees or jobs and then process the updated data in Workforce using Mass Update forms.

What Do You Need?

An EPM Cloud Service instance allows you to deploy and use one of the supported business processes. To deploy another business process, you must request another EPM Enterprise Cloud Service instance or remove the current business process.

  • Have Service Administrator access to an EPM Enterprise Cloud Service instance. The instance should not have a business process created.
  • Upload and import this snapshot into your instance.


If you run into migration errors importing the snapshot, re-run the migration excluding the HSS-Shared Services component, as well as the Security and User Preferences artifacts in the Core component. For more information on uploading and importing snapshots, refer to the Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud documentation.

Setting up the Foundation

Assigning Values to User Variables

User Variables were added when the business process was created. User variables act as filters in forms, enabling planners to focus only on certain members. In this section, you set values for user variables.

  1. On the home page, click Navigator (Navigator), and under Tools, click User Preferences.
    Navigator menu
  2. Under Preferences, click User Variables.
    Selecting User Variables
  3. For each variable, click its Member Selector (Member Selector) to select a member as the variable's value:
    User Variable Member
    Infolet Entity Sales US
    Currency USD
    Entity Finance US
    Reporting Currency USD
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Years FY21
    Expense Account Total Travel and Entertainment Expense
    Expense Drivers Travel and Entertainment Expense Drivers
    Product Line Smart Phone 4 in
  4. Verify your selections and click Save.
    User variables with selected Members
  5. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

Processing Data and Synchronizing Defaults

You can use the Process Data and Synchronize Defaults form to change existing employee properties, add a new record, modify a previously missing existing employee's data, and then apply configured default assignments rather than uploading data using text files.

  1. In Planning, click Navigator (Navigator), and under Workforce, click Compensation Planning.
    Navigate to Compensation Planning
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Mass Update (Mass Update).
  3. Make sure that you are on the Process Data and Synchronize Defaults horizontal tab.
  4. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Finance US
    Currency USD
    Years FY21
    Period Jan
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project


    To modify the POV selections and open Member Selector, click the member you want to change. When finished, click Go (Go) to apply your changes.

    Data is displayed on the form.

    Data is displayed
  5. Move your cursor over the cell that displays Orr,Bob to activate the dropdown list.
  6. Click the dropdown list to open the Select Member dialog.
  7. In Select Member, click Stark,Rob.


    At least one Employee/Job intersection must exist on the POV before you can add another Employee/Job row to the forms using the Select Member list.
  8. In the data row for Rob Stark, change the Skill Set - Assumption value to Account Management.
    Setting a Skill Set Assumption
  9. Click Save.
  10. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    A data row for Rob Stark is saved into Workforce.

    Rob Stark properties
  11. For Rob Stark, set the following employee properties:
    Property Value
    Start Month Jan
    Start Date 1/15/21
    Merit Month Jun
    Employee Type Regular
    FTE 1
    Pay Type Exempt
    Applicable Union Code Default No Union Code
    Basic Salary - Assumptions Grade4
    Basic Salary - Salary Basis Annual
    Basic Salary - Rate 75K


    Start Date is used to provide more precise day-level calculations.
  12. Verify your selections and click Save.
  13. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    Employee properties and salary information were saved.

    Rob Stark
  14. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  15. Set the POV/Page selections to the following and click Go (Go:)
    Dimension Member
    Job Finance Analyst
    Employee Stark,Rob
    Project No Project

  16. Review the employee details for Rob Stark.

    Employee Details for Rob Stark

    Salary, benefits, and taxes are now calculated for Rob Stark, without having to use a data load template.

  17. On the Compensation form, move our cursor over the whitespace above the grid to display menu icons, and then click Maximize (Maximize).
    Action icons

    Maximize hides the other objects on the workspace, and fills the workspace with the selected form.

    Compensation form
  18. When finished reviewing, click Restore.

Processing Updated Data

You use the Process Updated Data form to change existing properties, add a new record, or override default assignments and rates.


At least one Employee/Job intersection must exist on the POV before you can add another Employee/Job row to the forms using the Select Member list.

In this section, you'll override the default Medical Benefit rate and add a car allowance for Rob Stark, where his job normally doesn’t qualify for a car allowance.

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Mass Update (Mass Update).
  2. Click the Process Updated Data horizontal tab.
  3. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Finance US
    Currency USD
    Years FY21
    Period Jan
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project


    To modify the POV selections and open Member Selector, click the member you want to change. When finished, click Go (Go) to apply your changes.

    Data is displayed on the form.

    Data is displayed
  4. In the grid, scroll to the right until you see Benefit1 for Rob Stark.

    Benefit1 corresponds to Medical Benefit. You will override the current default rate.

  5. Change Rob Stark's Benefit1 Rate to 500.
  6. Scroll to the right and locate Benefit3 for Rob Stark.
  7. For Rob Stark's Benefit3, click in the cell and select the following:
    • Assumptions: Car Allowances
    • Option: Car Allowance
  8. Click Save.
  9. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    Benefit1 and Benefit3 are saved. Benefit3 automatically populates a default rate of $250.

    Saved assumptions
  10. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  11. Set the POV/Page selections to the following and click Go (Go:)
    Dimension Member
    Job Finance Analyst
    Employee Stark,Rob
    Project No Project
  12. On the Compensation form, review Rob Stark's additional benefits.
    Compensation form

    Medical Benefit shows a monthly rate of $500, and Car Allowances shows a $250 monthly allowance.

Synchronizing Defaults

In this section, you'll remove the overrides and revert Rob Stark back to the configured default assignments.

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Mass Update (Mass Update).
  2. Click the Synchronize Defaults horizontal tab.
  3. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Finance US
    Currency USD
    Years FY21
    Period Jan
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project


    To modify the POV selections and open Member Selector, click the member you want to change. When finished, click Go (Go) to apply your changes.

    Data is displayed on the form.

    Data is displayed
  4. For Rob Stark's Process - Assumptions, click in the cell and select Yes.
    Process Assumptions
  5. Click Save.
  6. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  7. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  8. Set the POV/Page selections to the following and click Go (Go:)
    Dimension Member
    Job Finance Analyst
    Employee Stark,Rob
    Project No Project
  9. On the Compensation form, review Rob Stark's benefits. Notice that the Medical Benefit rate is back to $1,020 per month and the Car Allowance benefit was removed.
    Updated benefits based on default assumptions

    Compare the results from the previous section's results where the Medical Benefit was overridden as $500 per month and a Car Allowance was set at $250 per month:

    Compensation form

    Medical Benefit shows a monthly rate of $500, and Car Allowances shows a $250 monthly allowance.

Synchronizing Definitions

In this section, you use the Synchronize Definitions form to override default assignments. This form allows you to change the additional earnings, benefits, or taxes for an employee, as well as the Option or Tier to be used instead of the configured default assignments for the entity.

  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Mass Update (Mass Update).
  2. Click the Synchronize Definitions horizontal tab.
  3. Verify or set the POV to the following values:
    Dimension Member
    Version Working
    Entity Finance US
    Currency USD
    Years FY21
    Period Jan
    Scenario Plan
    Project No Project


    To modify the POV selections and open Member Selector, click the member you want to change. When finished, click Go (Go) to apply your changes.

    Data is displayed on the form.

    Data is displayed
  4. For Rob Stark's Process - Assumptions, click in the cell and select Yes.
    Process Assumptions
  5. Scroll to the right and locate Benefit3 for Rob Stark.
  6. For Rob Stark's Benefit3, click in the cell and select the following:
    • Assumptions: Car Allowances
    • Option: Car Allowance
  7. Click Save.
  8. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Employee Details (Employee Details).
  10. Set the POV/Page selections to the following and click Go (Go:)
    Dimension Member
    Job Finance Analyst
    Employee Stark,Rob
    Project No Project
  11. On the Compensation form, review Rob Stark's benefits. Notice that the Car Allowance is back to $250 per month.
    Updated benefits based on default assumptions

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