Considerations for Item Replacement

These are the considerations to keep in mind when using item replacement.

  • Item replacement isn't supported for:
    • Back-to-back fulfillment
    • Make items
    • Configured items
    • Items set for outside processing
    • Items enabled for replenishment planning
    • Items with dual UOM control
  • You can create only one replacement task for an item-supplier combination for a group of organizations.
  • Inventory items and expense items can’t replace each other
  • Consignment order and standard order can’t replace each other.
  • Order quantity calculation and rounding is done as per UOM conversion defined for the alternate source. If the unit of measure for the original item differs from that of the replacement item or replacement source, the converted quantity could end up being a decimal number. Ensure that the rounding factor is defined in the BPA line or in the purchasing attributes for the item in Product Information Management > Manage Items. If the rounding factor is defined in both places, BPA takes precedence.

    This table explains the rounding factor logic used in three different scenarios with examples. The UOM of the original item is Each and that of the replacement item or source is B10.

    Original Quantity and UOM Converted Quantity and UOM Rounding Factor Decimal Factor of the Converted Quantity Rounded Off to Quantity After Rounding Off
    Rounding factor > Converted quantity decimal factor 15 Each 1.5 B10 0.6 0.5 Floor 1 B10
    Rounding factor < Converted quantity decimal factor 17 Each 1.7 B10 0.6 0.7 Ceiling 2 B10
    Rounding factor = Converted quantity decimal factor 16 Each 1.6 B10 0.6 0.6 Ceiling 3 B10