How You Configure Sender Name and Email in Supplier Qualification Notifications

Qualification managers communicate with suppliers through notification emails sent by the application throughout the supplier qualification process.

These are time-sensitive notifications such as Respond to Questionnaire or Response Resubmission Required, which need to get delivered to your suppliers. You can now configure the From and Reply To name and email address on supplier notifications so they're recognized as coming from your organization and don't get stuck in spam folders. Setting the From and Reply To email address also enables you to monitor out-of-office emails from suppliers by receiving autoreplies as well as bounce-back emails if delivery to a supplier contact isn't successful. This reduces potential delays or miscommunications on time-sensitive supplier qualification notifications.

You must configure the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) to use this feature. Refer to the Configure SPF documentation available on the Oracle Help Center.

Consider these when you configure sender name and email in supplier qualification notifications:

  • After completing all the setup, test and ensure your supplier emails are delivered to the inbox of a separate email domain other than your own company's domain. Incorrect or incomplete setup may lead to email delivery to the spam folder or stop the email delivery to your suppliers.
  • On updating the profile option ORA_FND_BPM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENABLED, you may notice some time lag in setting to take effect in the BPM Worklist.
  • If you configure the From and Reply To to be free form email, you can specify the Email From display name to be the person who owns this email address.