How You Set Up Automated Order Buying for Items from the Open Interface

For the application to automatically create orders for items imported through the open interface some prerequisites are required.

How You Set Up Automated Ordering of Items Imported Through the Open Interface

The setup to enable automated order buying for items imported through the open interface depends on the procurement strategy of the organization. This falls into two scenarios:

  1. Item has a primary source for all inventory organizations within a requisitioning BU.

    The item has a primary supplier across all inventory organizations within a requisitioning BU being serviced by the procurement BU. For this scenario it is sufficient to have an agreement in place with the requisitioning BU added to the list of business units in the Business Unit Access table of the agreement and enable the order creation controls on this agreement to automatically process requisitions sourced to this agreement into purchase orders.

    When requisitions are created for this item from any inventory organization of these requisitioning BUs, the application will find the agreement and determine the supplier, terms and conditions, and pricing information needed to create the purchase order.

  2. Item has a primary source specific to an inventory organization.

    This scenario addresses a more complex procurement strategy wherein the item has a local supplier when purchased from an inventory organization. For this scenario, the following setups need to be performed:

    • Create an agreement with the supplier and enable the order creation controls on the agreement.

    • Create a local approved supplier list (ASL) entry for this item when it's purchased from the inventory organization. The Generate Approved Supplier List Entries process is available to quickly create ASL entries for the items on the agreement.

    When requisitions are created for this item from this inventory organization, the application will find the local ASL entry for this item-supplier combination, and then find the agreement listed on the ASL entry, and determine the supplier, terms and conditions, and pricing information need to create the purchase order.

For both scenarios, in case multiple agreements are found, the application prioritizes agreements in the following order:

  • Blanket purchase agreements over contract purchase agreements

  • Agreements that are owned locally by the requisitioning BU

  • Agreements which have the Automatically generate orders indicator checked

From this list it picks the agreement with the most recent agreement date.