Monitor Scoring

After your negotiation has received its responses from your suppliers, and you have opened up the scoring, you can easily monitor the progress of your scoring team members.

To view the scoring for your negotiation:

  1. From the Negotiations work area, select Manage from the task panel.

  2. On the Manage Negotiations page, find and click the link for your negotiation.

  3. On the Negotiation page, from the Actions menu, select the Manage Scoring suboption from the Manage option.

  4. The Manage Scoring page shows you:

    • The number and names of the scoring teams as well as their team members.

    • The earliest scoring deadline for the team if any were defined..

    • The requirement section assigned to the team.

    • A graph showing the percentage of total scoring that has been completed.

  5. You can drill down into the scoring information by clicking the arrow icon next to the graph. You can see the information for individual team members including the percentage complete value for each member.

  6. From the Show menu, you can choose to view:

    • All scoring team members

    • Only members for a particular team.

    • Only members whose scoring assignment is past due.

  7. From the Actions menu, you can

    • Refresh the display

    • Close Scoring.

Once you have closed scoring, no more scoring team members can enter scores. However, you can reopen scoring to allow any additional team members to enter scores. You can open and close scoring as long as you haven't selected the Complete Award option.