Overview of Suppliers

Supplier Administrators use the Suppliers Work Area Overview page to perform day-to-day supplier maintenance and administration activities.

The overview page provides the Supplier Administrator with the supplier information needed to carry out tasks ranging from routine maintenance, to event driven administrative responsibilities. In addition, the overview page contains reports that highlight supplier issues requiring attention and provides easy access to maintain and update supplier records. From the overview page, the Supplier Administrator can quickly get in touch with a contact for a supplier reported to require communication by accessing the Actions menu.

The Suppliers Work Area Overview page contains the following reports:

  • Incomplete Suppliers: Lists suppliers created in the past 30, 60 or 90 days with no active addresses or contacts. An active address is required to procure from a supplier. The Supplier Administrator should take action to complete required supplier setup for this list so that each supplier is transaction ready. This report also helps identify suppliers that must be set to inactivate, if the buying organization has decided not to do business with the supplier.

  • Expired and Expiring Business Classifications: Lists suppliers for whom one or more business classification certificates are about to expire or have expired. This report helps the Supplier Administrator keep supplier records that are in risk of losing their diversity status (which could impact the supplier relationship) current and accurate.

  • Suppliers Pending Review: Identifies suppliers needing additional internal review to make them transaction ready. The Review Type attribute indicates whether the supplier requires additional review. The predefined default for Review Type is Registration, to identify suppliers created through Registration. A supplier may register with minimal details and to make them transaction ready. It may be required to provide more complete information including Addresses, Contacts, Bank Accounts, Tax Registration details and so on. The Supplier Administrator can manually set the Review Type to another selected value to ensure that the supplier is marked for additional review and is included in this report.

  • Contact Change Requests Pending Approval: This report lists all contact change requests pending approval for both active and inactive suppliers. The report helps the Supplier Administrator identify the approval queue for contact change requests requiring review by the buying organization. This report is displayed only if Oracle Supplier Portal is implemented.