Use Team Scoring

You can create scoring teams containing members who evaluate supplier responses requirements. You first add the members to a collaboration team. Then you create one or more scoring teams and assign collaboration team members to the appropriate scoring team.

Finally, you assign each scoring team one or more requirement sections. Later, when evaluating supplier responses to the negotiation, scoring team members score supplier responses to the requirements in the sections assigned to that scoring team. Using scoring teams lets you to include subject matter experts who can use their expertise and knowledge to score responses to a negotiation.

Enabling Team Scoring

To use scoring, you must create a negotiation style that supports team scoring. You create and update negotiation style sheets in Setup and Maintenance. Then once you have team scoring enabled, you select the Enable team scoring check box on the Overview tab when you create a negotiation.

Creating a Scoring Team

You create a scoring team when you create your negotiation document. Once you have the teams created, you assign a team to one or more requirement sections. Then when the negotiation is closed and the scoring phase is opened, the team members view and score supplier responses to requirements in that section. To create a scoring team, you first add the team members to the collaboration team for the negotiation. Then you later create the scoring team and assign members from the collaboration team as members.

You can introduce collaboration team members with access only to scoring, where the scoring-only assigned team member will only enter scores for the requirements assigned to that person. Also, scoring-only assigned team members can only view supplier responses to requirements that are assigned to them and cannot view responses to requirements that are not assigned to them. They cannot perform any other action on the negotiation except entering scores.

For example, a legal expert can evaluate supplier responses to legal requirements and for an RFQ using two stage evaluation process, you can create separate scoring teams to evaluate technical and commercial requirements. Restrict technical scoring team members from viewing commercial requirement responses, thus making the entire scoring process unbiased.

To create a collaboration team that can be later used for a scoring team:

  1. On the Overview page, on the General tab, select Enable team scoring in Requirements.

  2. Click the Collaboration Team tab. Note that you and your manager are both automatically added to the collaboration team.

  3. To add additional collaboration members, click the Add icon (the plus sign). Note that you can only add members with Full access or scoring-only access to a scoring team. You cannot add a collaboration team member who has View Only access.

  4. On the resulting row, you can enter the member's name directly, or you can search for and select the member.

  5. When you have finished adding all the members for all your collaboration team, click Save.

To create a scoring team::

  1. On the Edit Requirement page, create a requirement section.

  2. Create the requirements for the section. Note that although you can create requirements having different scoring methods, only requirements with a scoring method of Manual are available to scoring team members for scoring.

  3. Click Manage Scoring.

  4. On the Manage Scoring page, click the Create icon.

  5. On the Create Scoring Team dialog box, specify:

    • The team name

    • Optionally any instructions for the team members

    • Optionally a deadline by which the scoring should be completed.

  6. To assign members to your team, in the Team Members section, in the Members column, highlight the names of the team members and click the ' arrow. The members move from the Available column to the Selected column (You can also use the double arrow heads to quickly move all the available members to the Selected column.)

  7. To assign the team to a requirement section, from the Available column in Sections, highlight the sections you want to assign to this team and click the arrow head. (You can use the double arrow heads to move all the available sections to the Selected column.)

Note that members can be participants on one or more teams. Also a single scoring team can be responsible for one of more requirement sections, but a requirement section can only be scored by members of a single team.

Scoring Requirements

Once the category manager closes the negotiation, no more supplier responses are accepted. After the category manager opens the negotiation for scoring, scoring team members can access the negotiation and start viewing and scoring supplier responses to requirements in the requirement sections that their teams are responsible for. Once the scoring phase is over, the category manage closes scoring. At that point, no more scores can be entered unless the category manager reopens the scoring.