What attributes can I use to search a requistion using the global search?

Here's the list of attributes you can use to search a requisition using the search extension framework for global search.

Requisition Header Attributes

Preparer (Entered By), Requisitioning BU, Requisition Number, Description, Document Status, Justification, Creation Date, and Preparer Email (Primary Email of the Entered By User).

Requisition Line Attributes

Requester, Email of Requester, Assigned Buyer, Assigned Buyer Email, Item, Item Description, Item Category, Deliver To Location (Internal or One-time and for One-time search can be on specific elements of the Structured Address Fields), Purchase Order, Transfer Order, Supplier (including Alternate Name), Supplier Site, Procurement BU, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part Number, Supplier Part Number, Last Submitted Date, Base Model, Work Order, Work Order Product, Customer Sales Order, and Ship To Customer Location.

Requisition Distribution Attributes

Charge Account (can search on specific segments or a combination), Project Number, and Project Task Number.