How You Reassign or Delegate Specific Approval Tasks

Here’s the difference between reassign and delegate:

When the approval tasks are reassigned, the entire approval hierarchy is substituted with the assigner hierarchy, for example, in a purchase order, if the existing approval hierarchy is A1, A2, and A3 and when A1 is on leave, there’s a vacation rule that reassigns the approval task to B1 and the approval hierarchy for B1 is B1, B2, and B3. If A1 is on leave, and the purchase order is submitted, then the reassign vacation rule is applied and the reassigned approval path of B1, B2, and B3 is followed.

When the approval tasks are delegated, for example, in a purchase order if the existing hierarchy is A1, A2, and A3 and when A1 is on leave, there’s a vacation rule that delegates the approval task to B1, then when A1 is on leave, and the purchase order is submitted, the approval path of B1, A2, and A3 is followed.

To reassign or delegate specific approval tasks:

The delegated or reassigned user must have the View Purchase Order privilege.

  1. In Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP, login as the user to whom you want to reassign or delegate the approval task.
  2. In the BPM Worklist, create a new rule, and in the new rule, select the task type and reassign or delegate the task to the new user.