External Data Integration Services for Importing Data

Use External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud to load data into the interface tables of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications from external sources, such as legacy systems and third-party applications. External Data Integration Services uses file-based data import (FBDI) templates and processes to import data.

The External Data Integration Services components consist of:

  • Templates to structure, format, and generate the data file according to the requirements of the target application tables.

  • File-based load process to load the data files into the interface tables.

  • Application-specific data import processes to transfer data from interface tables to the application tables in your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

The following flow diagram outlines the steps involved in loading data from external sources.

This graphic shows the steps of the process, including downloading and preparing the data file template, loading data to interface and application tables, and correcting errors. The result being data is successfully uploaded to the product tables.
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  • Using External Data Integration Services for Oracle ERP Cloud