Purge Processed Open Interface Documents

Use the Purge Processed Open Interface Documents scheduled process to purge purchasing document interface records in any status, including those that haven’t been processed.

When to Use

Use this scheduled process when you have to purge documents in these statuses:
  • Accepted and Rejected
  • Accepted
  • Rejected
  • Stuck In Process
  • Unprocessed
  • All

This can be done biweekly or bimonthly. For deleting unprocessed and rejected records, purge documents as needed.

Privileges Required

  • Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface (PO_PURGE_OPEN_INTERFACE_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled.
Frequency To meet the business need of cleaning the interface data, purge documents set in Accepted and Rejected status. You are encouraged to schedule the process to run as needed. Avoid scheduling the process on a frequency that might overlap. Allow for a lag between the end of each scheduled process and the start of the next scheduled process.
Time of Day Choose the time of day that doesn't interfere with your daily business activity, such as at the end of the workday, after the end of shifts, after peak transaction activity, or during a lull in transaction activity.
Duration The runtime of this process varies based on the total number of contract purchase agreement being purged.
Compatibility There must be only one instance of the job running at any point of time. This is automatically handled by the application. If you have to run more than one instance of this process, then consider spacing them out over a period of time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Procurement BU Required Specify the name of the Procurement business unit for which you want to purge document interface records. N/A None N/A
Document Type Optional
Specify the document type:
  • Blanket Purchase Agreement
  • Contract Purchase Agreements
  • Purchase Order
N/A None N/A
Purge Data Required

Select one of these statuses:

    • Accepted and Rejected: Purge records that have been processed and either accepted or rejected.
    • Accepted: Purge records that have been processed and accepted.
    • Rejected: Purge records that have been processed and rejected.
    • Stuck In Process: Purge records that remain marked as in process after the import program ends abnormally.
    • Unprocessed: Purge records that have not yet been processed.
    • All: Purge all records.
N/A None N/A
Start Date Optional

A date used to verify if the interface record was created after the start date specified.



End Date Optional

A date used to verify if the interface record was created before the end date specified.



Batch ID Optional

Used to match against the records in the interface tables to retrieve the correct records for purging.

N/A None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the purge processed open interface documents operation on the Scheduled Processes UI.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the import contract agreements are displayed in the error log.
  • After you have corrected the validation errors, you can resubmit the process.