Purge Recent Activity Records

Use the Purge Recent Activity Records scheduled process to purge a user’s recent activity records.

When to Use

This process runs automatically everyday at 12:00am UTC. There's no need to run it manually unless you are requested by Oracle technical support.

Privileges Required

  • Purge Purchasing Document Recent Activity (PO_PURGE_RECENT_ACTIVITY_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled.
Frequency The default setting for this scheduled process is to run once daily at 12:00 am UTC. If needed, you can change the default setup for the scheduled processes to run on a frequency that better meets your organization's needs.
Time of Day Choose the time of day that doesn't interfere with your daily business activity, such as at the end of the workday, after the end of shifts, after peak transaction activity, or during a lull in transaction activity.
Duration The runtime of this process varies based on the quantity of purge data.
Compatibility There must only be one instance of the job running at any point of time. This is automatically handled by the application.



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes UI.
  • No validation errors and warning messages.
  • Any interactive warning validations are not performed.
  • When the program is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, or Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes UI.