Draft Purchasing Document Distributions

The Draft Purchasing Document Distributions view object contains accounting distribution information for a purchase order schedule.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.DraftPurchasingDocumentDistributionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : PoDistributionId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AccrualAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for receipt accrual. It applies when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
AccrueOnReceiptFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the purchase order distribution is accrued on receipt. If N, then the purchase order distribution is accrued at period end. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
AccruedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the distribution was accrued. If N, then the distribution wasn't accrued. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
AmountOrdered Unit price multiplied by the distribution quantity. It applies when the purchase order line contains a quantity. If the purchase order line references a fixed price service, then this attribute contains the fixed price of the service.
BudgetDate Date used to determine the time frame when the organization consumed the budget.
ChangeAcceptedFlag Indicates if the draft change has been accepted.
CoAmountCancelled Indicates the amount canceled on a change order.
CoQuantityCancelled Indicates the quantity canceled on a change order.
CodeCombinationId Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the purchase. It applies when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
CreatedBy User who created the distribution.
CreationDate Date and time when the distribution was created.
DeliverToCustContactId Value that uniquely identifies the third-party contact that receives the item.
DeliverToCustId Value that uniquely identifies the third-party that receives the item.
DeliverToCustLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the third-party location that receives the item.
DeliverToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the final location that receives the item.
DeliverToPersonId Value that uniquely identifies the final person that receives the item.
DestChargeAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the cost of the item in the requisitioning business unit. It applies when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are different.
DestVarianceAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the price difference between the invoice and the purchase order in the requisitioning business unit. It applies when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are different.
DestinationContext Protected descriptive flexfield context column for destination details.
DestinationOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the final destination organization.
DestinationSubinventory Subinventory that identifies where to deliver the requested item.
DestinationTypeCode Code that identifies the final destination type of the purchased item.
DistIntendedUse Purpose for which the acquired product is likely to be used in the business by the purchaser.
DistributionNum Number that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution for the purchase order schedule.
EntityChangeTypeCode Value that identifies if the row is new or changed.
ExternalChangeFlag Value that identifies if the change is external, supplier facing.
FundsStatus Value that identifies if the distribution amount is reserved or not. Possible values are: FAILED, LIQUIDATED, PARTIALLY_LIQUIDATED, WARNING, PASSED, RESERVED, or NOT_APPLICABLE.
JobDefinitionName Value that identifies the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JobDefinitionPackage Value that identifies the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
KanbanCardId Value that uniquely identifies the method of replenishment that utilizes standard containers or lots sizes with a single information card or signal attached to each.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the distribution was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the row.
LineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the document schedule.
NonrecoverableInclusiveTax Value that identifies the tax that the purchase order distribution amount contains. The purchaser can't recover this tax.
NonrecoverableTax Value that identifies the exclusive tax amount for the distribution. The purchaser can't recover this tax.
ObjectVersionNumber Value that identifies the version of the purchase order distribution. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
OriginalDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the distribution from which this distribution was copied or split.
PjcContextCategory Segment for the Project descriptive flexfield.
PjcExpenditureTypeId Value that identifies the expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
PjcOrganizationId Value that identifies the expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
PjcProjectId Value that identifies the project used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
PjcTaskId Value that identifies the task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
PoDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution.
PoHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order.
PoLineId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order line.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the purchase order.
ProgramAppName Value that identifies the application name of the concurrent program.
ProgramName Value that identifies the concurrent program. Concurrent programs are batch jobs that retrieve and push data between Oracle applications and the database.
QuantityOrdered Value that identifies the total quantity ordered for the purchase order distribution.
Rate Value that identifies the conversion rate to use when converting the currency.
RateDate Date to use for the conversion rate when converting an amount into another currency. The conversion rate varies depending on date.
ReasonForChange Value that identifies the reason for changing this distribution.
RecoverableInclusiveTax Value that identifies the recoverable tax that the purchase order distribution amount contains. The purchaser can recover this tax.
RecoverableTax Value that identifies the tax amount that's recoverable exclusive for the distribution. The purchaser can recover this tax.
RecoveryRate Value that identifies the percentage of tax that can be recovered by the purchaser.
ReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that requested the goods or services being purchased.
ReqDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the requisition distribution associated with the purchase order distribution.
ReqHeaderReferenceNum Value that uniquely identifies the requisition number of the corresponding paper requisition, if you don't autocreate the purchase order from online requisitions.
ReqLineReferenceNum Value that uniquely identifies the requisition line number of the corresponding paper requisition, if you don't autocreate the purchase order from online requisitions.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
SetOfBooksId Value that uniquely identifies the primary ledger for the distribution.
ShippingUomQuantity Value that identifies the quantity in the shipping unit of measure.
TaxAttributeUpdateCode Value that identifies the create and update actions on the distribution.
TaxExclusiveAmount Value that identifies the tax amount exclusive for the distribution. Includes both recoverable and nonrecoverable portions.
TaxRecoveryOverrideFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then tax recovery should be used. If N, then tax recovery should not be used. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
UnencumberedAmount Amount on the schedule encumbered to date.
UserPoChrgAcctChgFlag Value that identifies if the user has manually updated the PO charge account.
VarianceAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the price difference between the invoice and the purchase order. Applies when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.