Procurement Buyers

The Procurement Buyers view object manages procurement agents. Procurement agents are users with roles such as buyer, catalog administrator and supplier manager. These users must be defined as procurement agents to manage procurement documents and perform other procurement actions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.ProcurementBuyersExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AssignmentId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ActiveFlag Indicates if this combination of the agent and procurement business unit is still active.
AgentId Value that uniquely identifies the agent.
AssignmentId Value that uniquely identifies the procurement agent assignment.
Attribute1 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute10 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute11 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute12 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute13 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute14 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute15 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute16 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute17 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute18 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute19 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute2 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute20 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute3 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute4 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute5 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute6 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute7 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute8 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
Attribute9 Segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeCategory Context name for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate1 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate10 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate2 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate3 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate4 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate5 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate6 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate7 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate8 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate9 Date segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber1 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber10 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber2 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber3 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber4 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber5 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber6 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber7 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber8 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber9 Number segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp10 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp6 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp7 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp8 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp9 Date and time segment for the procurement agent descriptive flexfield.
CreatedBy User who created the procurement agent assignment.
CreationDate Date and time when the purchasing administrator or application created the procurement agent assignment.
DefaultPrinterName Default printer for the procurement agent.
DefaultReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the requisitioning business unit provided automatically for a particular procurement agent and procurement business unit.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the purchasing administrator or application last updated the procurement agent.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the procurement agent.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the procurement agent.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the procurement agent assignment has been updated.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the name of the procurement business unit where the agent is assigned.