Configure the New Supplier Notification

When suppliers are registered as, or promoted to spend authorized status, the application sends an email notification to all the supplier contacts with a valid email address. Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to enable this functionality.

You can define the content of this email to include important information for the supplier. Additionally, you can include country-specific attachments as well as general attachments to the email notification.

An automated email notification is sent to suppliers at the moment they are approved as spend authorized. This notification is triggered when a prospective supplier is promoted or when a spend authorization request for the supplier is approved. You can define the email notification content.

After you have configured and enabled the notification builder, it reduces any manual intervention required to communicate various business related policies to the supplier when they are approved for spend.

How You Define Notification Content

You can enter text for the subject and the body content of the email notification. After you enable the notification, the subject and body content fields become required fields. Rich text support for the email body content lets you to flexibly format and display the content, for example, by highlighting important information, such as links to important websites.

How You Add Attachments

You can also upload documents which are added as attachments to the notification. Such attachments could include, for example, a welcome letter or policy explanations. In the Notification Documents table, there is a predefined entry labeled Global. You can use this category to contain documents that are sent to suppliers that do not have either a Taxpayer Country value or a Tax Registration Country value defined in the supplier definition. When determining the destination for the notification, the application checks first if the supplier has a Taxpayer Country defined, and if so, the notification is sent to that location. If there is no Taxpayer Country defined, the application uses the value for Tax Registration Country as the location. If the supplier definition has no value for either Taxpayer Country or Tax Registration Country, it attaches any documents defined as global in the Notification Documents table.

Configure the Notification Generator

Use Setup and Maintenance to configure the notification generator. You must have the Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement Application Administrator related privileges to configure the generator.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Configure New Supplier Notification task:

    • Offering: Procurement

    • Functional Area: Suppliers

    • Task: Configure New Supplier Notification

  2. Click the link for the Configure New Supplier Notification task.

  3. On the Configure New Supplier Notification page, in the Notification Content section, you can enter the text for the

    • Subject line text

    • Body text

  4. In the Notification Documents section, you can add attachments. Attachments can be global or country-specific. Global attachments are added to all notifications. Country-specific attachments are added depending on the Supplier location.

  5. When you are finished entering text and uploading attachment documents, select the Enable notification option.

  6. Click Save and Close.