Create an Approved Supplier List Entry for a Category

This example demonstrates how to create an approved supplier list entry for a category. This entry links a procurement category with a supplier to ensure orders are placed with authorized suppliers.

Your company, InFusion America, has had success ordering its desktop computers from Big Computers. As category manager you have decided to create an approved supplier list entry for this combination for shipments to the Seattle Manufacturing division. Use the following steps to create the entry for this category and supplier.

Create an Approved Supplier List Entry

  1. In the Purchase Agreements work area, use the Create Agreement task to create a contract purchase agreement 1002362 for Big Computers.

  2. Use the Manage Approved Supplier List Entries task to open the page of the same name.

  3. Click the Create icon, or select the Create link from the Actions menu.

  4. On the Create Approved Supplier List Entry page, enter the information listed in the following table. Verify and accept the application entered values in the other fields as is.




    Ship-to Organization

    Ship-to Organization

    Seattle Manufacturing






    Big Computers

    Supplier Site

    Big Computers Main



  5. In the Seattle Manufacturing: Source Documents region, click the Add icon, or select Add Row from the Actions menu, to create a new source document line.

  6. For this source document line, select Contract Purchase Agreement for the Type, and enter the contract purchase agreement number 1002362 for Agreement.

  7. Click Save and Close, then click OK on the confirmation message.