Create Attribute Lists

Attribute lists are collections of line attributes that are commonly used together. Procurement application administrators can create public attribute lists for use when creating negotiations.

When a negotiation author associates an attribute list with a negotiation line, all the attributes on the list are associated with the line. Any attributes on the list that aren't needed can be deleted, and additional line attributes can be created if necessary. Attribute lists are an efficient way to streamline the negotiation creation process. They can also be used to encourage standardization and best practices.

In this example, the procurement application administrator is going to create an attribute list.

Create an Attribute List

  1. From the Tasks panel, she clicks the Manage Attribute Lists link.

  2. On the Manage Attribute Lists page, she clicks the Add icon.

  3. On the Create Attribute List page, she enters name in the Attribute List field, optionally a description, and sets the Status to Active.

  4. She clicks Add Attribute Group to define a new group, or she can click Add Predefined Group to add an existing group to the list.

  5. Once the group has been added, she clicks Add Attribute and uses the Add Attribute page to define an attribute to the list.

  6. She repeats the last step until she has added all the necessary attributes to the list.