Create Requirements for a Two-stage RFQ

To conduct a two-stage RFQ you must first create the RFQ document. This document contains two or more special requirement sections. For each section, you indicate if it's a technical requirement section or a commercial requirement section.

Technical requirement sections contain all the technical specifications necessary for the suppliers to successfully complete the RFQ. Commercial requirements section contain all financial information the buying organization needs from the supplier.

Creating Two-Stage RFQs is similar to creating regular RFQs. The main difference is that for each requirement section, you indicate if it's a technical section or a commercial section.

Create Requirements for a Two-Stage RFQ

When creating your requirements, you can use predefined section names or create new section names. In either case however, you must identify each section as either technical or commercial.

Begin by defining your technical requirements:

  1. Create the RFQ. On the Create Negotiation dialog box, be sure to select a negotiation style that supports two-stage RFQ and when the dialog box refreshes, check the Two stage evaluation check box.

  2. Enter the General, Terms, and Collaboration Team values as appropriate for your RFQ. Click Requirements.

  3. On the Edit Negotiation: Requirements page, you can use a predefined section by clicking Add Predefined Section or create a new section by clicking the Add Section button or selecting the Add Section option from the Actions menu for the Requirements section.

  4. When the page refreshes, select a value from the Requirements List of Values if you chose to use a predefined section, or enter the name for the new section if you chose to create a new section.

  5. For the section, select either Technical or Commercial from the Evaluation Stage menu.

  6. Create all the necessary requirements to completely describe your technical specifications. Be sure to identify whether each section is a technical or commercial section. If you want to have other evaluators view and score the responses to the requirement, be sure to define the Score value as Manual. Also accept the default maximum score or enter a new value.

  7. After you have created your technical and commercial requirements, continue creating the remainder of the negotiation document.