Example of Managing a Collaboration Team

Collaboration team members have the ability to view and manage a negotiation throughout its life cycle. They can participate in the creation of the draft, the evaluation of the supplier responses, and the awarding of the negotiation.

They can also be assigned tasks for completion along the way. You can add new collaboration team members or change the capabilities of existing members as needed during the negotiation.

Updates to a Collaboration Team

Consider a collaboration team associated with a long-running RFQ. Since this RFQ is associated with a project plan in Oracle Fusion Project Management, it may be active for a considerable length of time, there are numerous changes that could be appropriate as the negotiation moves from one status to another and as the different tasks are completed in the project plan. Such changes could include:

  • One of the team members leaves the company or is transferred to another department. That member should be removed from the team.

  • Alternatively, two new employees are hired. For training purposes, you could add them with View Only access and allow them to watch as the negotiation progresses.

  • As one member's tasks are completed, she could be assigned new tasks that are appropriate for the new stage of the negotiation.

  • In the construction project plan, some of the resources assigned to the tasks associated to this negotiation will be collaborating on the negotiation as well. You can directly search the resources in the associated project plans and add them as collaboration team members to this negotiation.

Here are some things you need to know when a collaboration team member is inactive due to a change in job assignment or is no longer working with the organization:

  • Inactive members are highlighted and optionally you can remove or replace them, or leave them in the team as a reference if they have completed the assigned tasks.

  • For a new amendment, if the original negotiation has inactive members, then they're included in the new amendment, but they're highlighted. But no warning is displayed when you publish the amended negotiation because in the amendment, the collaboration team can't be updated before you publish the amendment.

  • For a new round if the original negotiation has inactive members, they will be copied to the new round, the inactive members are highlighted and the warning is shown when the negotiation is published.