Examples of Searching for Suppliers

For many procurement activities, you must identify the suppliers with whom you want to deal. The Supplier Search page provides you with a flexible tool for conducting detailed searches using supplier attributes.

On the Supplier Search page, you choose the supplier attributes you want to search on and then provide the attribute values for your search. The more attributes you choose, the more restrictive the search. You must specify values for at least one of the fields identified by the double asterisks. Use the information in the table to decide which attributes to include in your search.

The following table shows the attributes you can use in a search and explains each attribute.


Search Usage

Procurement BU

The procurement BU with which the supplier conducts procurement transactions


The supplier name

Supplier Number

The supplier number

Business Relationship

Suppliers with this business relation status. Suppliers that are spend authorized are approved for financial transactions with the buying organization. Prospective suppliers haven't yet been approved for spend transactions, but can participate in procurement transactions to a limited extent.

Business Classification

Suppliers having this classification

Category Name

Suppliers who sell items in this category

Item Validation Organization

The inventory organization that contains the item.


Suppliers who sell this item.

Line Description

Suppliers who sell items having these words in item description

Qualification Name

Suppliers qualified using this qualification

Qualification Outcome

Suppliers with this qualification outcome value

Assessment Name

Suppliers qualified using this assessment

Assessment Outcome

Suppliers with this assessment outcome value

Transactions Since

Restrict the search to suppliers with whom you have conducted procurement activities before this date.

Search in ASL

Restrict the search to suppliers who are in the Approved Supplier List

Search in purchase orders

Restrict the search to suppliers to whom you have sent purchase orders.

Search in agreements

Restrict the search to suppliers with whom you have purchase agreements.

Search in negotiations

Restrict the search to suppliers who have participated in sourcing negotiations.


Lucy Noh, the supplier quality manager for her company, wants to identify all suppliers with an assessment of Excellent for the assessment New Suppliers - Fiscal Year 2014. She enters the assessment name and selects the outcome status of Excellent and clicks Search.


John Gordon, a procurement agent, wants to know which suppliers in the ASL sell item ER-56388. He enters the item number in the Item field and checks the Search in ASL check box. He exports the results to a spreadsheet he will use later in a presentation.


Mike Yamagato, a category manager, is creating a negotiation to purchase new hardware for a new office his company is opening. He wants to identify all the suppliers that sell computer hardware. Also, there is a short time frame for this purchase, so he wants to restrict the search to only suppliers that already have a business relationship of spend authorize. He selects the category value Miscellaneous Hardware and selects the business relationship of Spend Authorize. He selects all of the suppliers resulting from the search and adds them to the negotiation document.