How can I use social collaboration to solicit feedback regarding contract terms from the legal department?

Use the Social link on the Purchase Agreement page to invite the legal team to a conversation to address your concerns regarding a requested item.

For example, as a procurement contracts administrator, you need to deviate from the previously approved legal language for a purchase agreement. You want your legal team to review the revised terms and conditions before you send the agreement to the supplier.

  • Click Social to open the Oracle Social Network window and share or join the purchase agreement.

  • Click New Related Conversation and add the legal team.

  • Post your questions about the terms and conditions and ask for their opinion on the changes.

When a member of the legal team goes to the purchase agreement's wall, she can see certain attributes, such as Description and Supplier. The legal representative responds to your questions, providing a permanent record, and you update the agreement based on her response.

Note: Oracle Social Network will be retired soon. For details, see doc ID 2675346.1 on My Oracle Support.