How Purchasing Document Line Defaults Work

To minimize document creation time and reduce errors, a comprehensive defaulting mechanism is used to provide most required purchasing document line information. In this context, default means that the application provides this information for you when you create a new line.

How Purchasing Document Line Defaulting Rules Work

The table lists the line fields that can display on a purchasing document page. The following columns indicate where the default comes from for that document type. Document types include purchase orders and blanket purchase agreements.

  • When information labels are listed as 1, 2, 3, and so on, the application looks first to the option specified as number 1. If information isn't available in this source, it uses the next numbered source.

Line Fields

Purchase Order

Blanket Purchase Agreement

Allow Price Override

Not applicable

Deselected for goods lines and selected for services lines

Category Name

  1. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

  2. Line Type

Same as purchase order

Deliver-to Location

  1. Requester's location if its ship-to location matches the ship-to location of the line

  2. Ship-to location of the associated schedule

Not applicable


Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

Not applicable

Destination Type

  1. "Inventory" if item is stockable in Ship-to Organization and inventory is implemented

  2. "Expense"

Not applicable

Hazard Class

  1. Source Agreement Line

  2. UN Number

  3. Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

  1. UN Number

  2. Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

Invoice Close Tolerance Percent

  1. 100 if procurement card on the header

  2. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

  3. Configure Procurement Business Function

  4. Set it to "0"

Not applicable

Invoice Match Option

  1. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

  2. Line Type

  3. Supplier Site

  4. "Order"

Not applicable


  1. Header

  2. BU assignment record of the source agreement corresponding to the Requisitioning BU

  3. Supplier Site Assignment record of the supplier site in the Requisitioning BU

  4. Requisitioning Business Function Configuration of the Requisitioning BU

Not applicable

Match Approval Level

  1. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

  2. Line Type

  3. Supplier Site

  4. Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

  5. "2-Way"

Note that if the default value is "4-Way" and one of these conditions is true, then set the default to "3-Way":

  • Purchase basis of the line type is SERVICES

  • Receipt Routing is NOT Inspection Required

Not applicable


  1. Selected, if the PO is created from a source agreement

  2. Agreement Line, if the PO line is sourced from a blanket purchase agreement

  3. Deselected



  1. Inventory Organization associated with the line Ship-to Location

  2. Inventory Organization associated with the header Ship-to Location

  3. Deliver-to Organization from the Requisitioning Business Function Configuration of the Requisitioning BU

Not applicable


  1. Source agreement

  2. Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

Price Break Type

Not Applicable

Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

Secondary Quantity

Based on the conversion of the primary UOM and secondary UOM if the Defaulting definition of the UOM for the item is "Fixed" or "Default"

Not applicable

Supplier Item

  1. Requisition line being fulfilled

  2. Source Blanket Purchase Agreement line

  3. Applicable Approved Supplier List entry

  4. Master Item

Not applicable


  1. Source Blanket Purchase Agreement line

  2. Requisition line for a punchout item

  3. Master Item

Not applicable

Manufacturer Part Number

  1. Source Blanket Purchase Agreement line

  2. Requisition line for a punchout item

  3. Master Item

Not applicable


  1. Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

  2. Document Style

  3. "Goods."

Same as purchase order

UN Number

  1. Source agreement line

  2. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU


  1. Item as defined in the Ship-to Organization

  2. Line Type

  1. Item as defined in the Inventory Organization on Procurement Business Function Configuration of the Procurement BU

  2. Line Type

Aging Period Days

Not Applicable

If the field is blank and the Consignment Line is set to Y, then the attribute value defaults from the document header

Allow item description update

Not Applicable

  1. Item definition in the Inventory Organization specified on Procurement Options of the Procurement BU of the agreement

  2. Deselected, if no item

Consignment Line

Not Applicable

If the field is blank and the Consignment Line is set to Y, then the attribute value defaults from the document header

Destination Charge Account

The default value of the attribute is derived by calling Transaction Account Builder, if any of these is true:

  • The PO schedule has a financial orchestration flow and destination type is Expense and project hasn't been entered

  • The PO schedule has a financial orchestration flow and destination type is Expense and project has been entered and PJC_ALLOW_ACCOUNT_OVERRIDE profile allows account to be updated

Not applicable

Intended Use

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

PO Charge Account

If the field is editable and it's blank, default value of the attribute is derived by using Transaction Account Builder

Not applicable

Product Category

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

Product Fiscal Classification

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

Product Type

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

Shipping Method

  1. Source Agreement

  2. Header

Not applicable

Tax Classification

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

Transaction Business Category

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable

User-Defined Fiscal Classification

The attribute value defaults from the tax setup

Not applicable