How You Automatically Send Survey Questionnaire Reminders and Close Response Period

Some organizations have a business objective to periodically survey internal stakeholders to gather information on supplier performance. When questionnaires are sent for feedback, they may not receive timely attention from responders. To manage the process more efficiently, you can send automatic reminders on a predefined schedule to those who haven't responded.

Many organizations have a business objective to periodically survey internal stakeholders to gather information on supplier performance. When questionnaires are sent for feedback, they may not receive timely attention from responders. To help you manage the process more efficiently, you can now send automatic reminders on a predefined schedule to those who haven't responded.

In some cases, even with reminders, a 100% response rate may not be achieved. You can now close your surveys automatically when the close date is reached, or when a response threshold is met. These flexible controls help you streamline the survey process and evaluate survey qualifications faster. These flexible controls help you streamline the survey process and evaluate survey qualifications faster.

These are the various selections available on the Edit Initiative: Questionnaires page for the internal survey:

Name Explanation
Due Date The date by which you want to receive responses from the internal responders.
Close Date The date on which questionnaires are automatically closed for all suppliers.
Close Threshold This threshold is for received responses, which when reached for a supplier after the due date, all the questionnaires are automatically closed for the supplier before the close date.
First Reminder The first reminder scheduled to be sent before the due date.
Second Reminder The second reminder scheduled to be sent before the due date.
Past Due Reminder The last reminder that is scheduled to be sent after the due date.

These are the various selections available on the Monitor Initiative page for the internal survey:

Name Explanation
Response Close Date The date when the questionnaires are automatically closed for all responders.
Close Threshold This threshold is for received responses, which when reached for a supplier after the due date, all the questionnaires are automatically closed for the supplier before the close date.
Extend Response Close Date Extend the date to automatically close the questionnaires for all the suppliers.

To enable automatic reminders, first set a response due date then you can schedule up to three automatic reminders for responders. The first two reminders can be sent on or before the due date and the final reminder can be sent past the due date. To automatically close survey questionnaires, set a close date when questionnaires are closed for all suppliers, or set a close threshold to close questionnaires for a supplier when a certain percentage of responses are received for that supplier. You can set a close date and close threshold together and the questionnaires are closed automatically when either condition happens first. These automatic reminders and close parameters are optional.

Let's take an example, you may want to launch an initiative on October 15 with a due date of October 31. This will communicate the survey questionnaire response is due on October 31. You can set up three automatic reminders, 7 days prior to the due date, 2 days prior to the due date, and 3 days after the due date. You can set the survey questionnaires for a supplier to close automatically when 80% of responses are in, or automatically close questionnaires for all suppliers on November 5 -- whichever of those conditions happen first, after the due date.