Import External Purchase Prices

You can import external purchase prices using: the REST API for external purchase prices requests, File-Based Data Import (FBDI) with the External Purchase Price template, or the Import External Purchase Prices scheduled process.

How You Import External Purchase Prices Using REST API

You can import external purchase prices from external contracting applications or group purchasing organizations using the External Purchase Prices Requests resource. With this resource, you can import new external purchase prices and their lines. The resource creates records in the external purchase price interface tables. You can update or cancel existing external purchase prices and add, update, or cancel their lines.

For more information, see the External Purchase Prices Requests REST Endpoints section of the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement guide.

How You Import External Purchase Prices Using FBDI

You can create a large volume of external purchase prices using file-based data import. In the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Procurement Cloud guide, go to the External Purchase Prices section and download the template SchExternalPurchasePricesImportTemplate.xlsm. The spreadsheet contains three tabs: Instructions and CSV Generation, SCH_EPP_HEADERS_INT, and SCH_EPP_LINES_INT. Load data into these tabs and import the file using the guidance provided in the Instructions and CSV Generation tab of the spreadsheet. Also see the Load Data into Tables section in this guide for more information.

Note: You can't update existing external purchase prices, headers, or lines using FBDI. Use REST API to update or cancel existing external purchase prices and add, update, or cancel their lines. For information on updating external purchase prices headers and lines using REST API see the External Purchase Prices Requests section in the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement guide.

How the Import External Purchase Prices Scheduled Process Works

The Import External Purchase Prices scheduled process imports the records from the interface table as external purchase prices when the header action is Create. It imports the records as change orders when the header action is Update or Cancel. The Approval Required option in the interface headers indicates if the external purchase prices or change orders need to be manually approved. If the Approval Required option is selected, the records are imported in Pending Approval status. Otherwise, the records are imported in Approved status. This import process can be scheduled to run at predefined intervals as per business requirements and also can be manually submitted when needed.

These are some of the considerations to keep in mind while using the Import External Purchase Prices scheduled process:
  • A manufacturer part number is required for external purchase price lines. When a manufacturer part number is associated as a trading partner item to an item number, the item is automatically derived and shown in the external purchase price lines.
  • It isn't necessary to associate items for all the manufacturer part numbers in the external purchase price. When an item is not associated to a manufacturer part number, associate a purchasing category to the manufacturer part number in the manage mappings page. When importing external purchase prices, the purchasing category mapping row where the manufacturer is specified is given precedence over the mapping row without a manufacturer.
  • You can import external purchase prices with or without an item or a purchase category mapping for the manufacturer part. If neither item number nor a purchasing category mapping exists for the manufacturer part, the external purchase prices are imported as excluded from purchasing and the lines are not imported into Purchase Agreements. When you choose to include these lines for purchasing at a later point of time, you can define the item and trading partner relationship, or a purchasing category mapping, as the case may be.
  • The change orders for an external purchase price are processed sequentially in the order in which they were created. If a change order is pending approval, any subsequent change orders are queued in not processed status. Change orders in not processed status will be automatically processed in the next run of the Import External Purchase Prices scheduled process if there are no prior change orders in pending approval status. The external purchase prices in pending approval status and change orders in either pending approval status or not processed status are shown as exceptions in the External Purchase Prices work area.

The import errors exception card is displayed when errors have occurred during import in the External Purchase Prices work area. From here, you can drill down to the Errors During Import page which lists the detailed error messages and the attributes that caused the error. Once the errors are resolved, the interface records are processed in the next run of the Import External Purchase Prices scheduled process.

From the errors during import page, you can download the Microsoft Excel template for managing the external purchase prices interface data. This predefined template uses the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to download the import errors and interface data from External Purchase Prices to a spreadsheet. You can use this template to view the interface headers and lines data. Additionally, you can delete the interface headers or lines and upload the changes back to the External Purchase Prices work area.