Monitor Supplier Activities

The Monitor Supplier Activities page displays a detailed and historical information about the activities of the suppliers who are participating in the negotiation. You can create reports on the activities in the BI application.

For each supplier, you can see all the activities that supplier has performed for the negotiation. For each activity, you can see the date and the time the supplier performed the activity. The application logs the activities performed by the supplier such as:

  • Viewed negotiation

  • Acknowledged participation

  • Acknowledged amendment

  • Downloaded negotiation PDF document

  • Downloaded response PDF document

  • Accepted terms and conditions

  • Created response

  • Submitted response

  • Analyzed negotiation

  • Accepted negotiation invitation

  • Accepted terms and conditions

  • Surrogate response created

  • Viewed negotiation amendment

  • Exported response spreadsheet

  • Reviewed round changes

Additionally, you can use the Export to Excel option from the Activities to generate a spreadsheet that you can download and save. To monitor an open negotiation's suppliers:

  1. On the Negotiation work area, from the task panel, select Monitor Negotiations.

  2. On the Manage Negotiations page, enter the negotiation number or title and click Search.

  3. From the search results, find the negotiation you want to monitor and click its negotiation link.

  4. On the Negotiation page, from the Actions menu, select Monitor > Monitor Supplier Activities.

  5. On the Monitor Supplier Activities page, a table shows the suppliers who are participating in the negotiation. An additional table shows the activities logged so far for that supplier. You can highlight a supplier and the activities for that supplier are displayed.

  6. From the Activities menu in the Activity Log section, you can select Export to Excel to generate a spreadsheet that you can save locally.

Monitoring Supplier Activities

Vision Corporation is currently conducting an auction for supplies and services it's going to use to set up a new West Coast office. Currently there are responses from three suppliers in the auction, two who were originally invited and a third who found the auction during a search. The Category Manager performs the following actions using the Monitor Activities page:

  • She wants to see detailed information about the second supplier's activity, so she highlights the row in the Supplier Activities table. The Activities table refreshes with the information about the supplier site, supplier contacts, and any activity they have performed on the negotiation.

  • The Category Manager notices that the uninvited participant hasn't entered a response. She recognizes the supplier name and remembers that this supplier has accessed several negotiations in the recent past without ever responding. She suspects the supplier has no intention on responding and is only monitoring the progress of the negotiation to obtain competitive information, so she locks the supplier, preventing any further access.