Options to Generate Purchasing Documents

When you generate purchasing documents, there are several parameters to consider. These parameters control how the application processes the purchasing document:

  • Required Acknowledgment

  • Acknowledge Within Days

  • Initiate Approval

Additionally, if this is a purchase agreement, there are other parameters available by editing the agreement header.

  • Agreement Start and End Dates

  • Requisitioning BUs

  • Automatic Processes

Required Acknowledgment

This column specifies whether and what type of supplier acknowledgment the buying organization requires. The options are:

  • None

  • Document (standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement)

  • Document and Schedule (standard purchase order only)

  • Document and Line (blanket purchase agreement)

Acknowledgment Within

This column lets you to specify the number of days within which the supplier must acknowledge receipt of the purchasing document. A value is required here unless Required Acknowledgment is None.

Initiate Approval

If you have an approval procedure enabled in the purchasing application, checking this box initiates the document approval action. Notifications are sent to all suppliers who have been awarded any business.

Agreement Start and End Dates

For purchasing agreements only, the beginning and end dates of the agreement.

Requisitioning BUs

For purchase agreements only, the requisitioning BUs which can create releases against this purchase agreement.

Automatic Processes

For purchase agreements only, the procurement automatic processes consist of the settings to be enabled and the processes to be run while generating this purchase agreement or processing releases against the agreement. Also, automatic processes control retroactive pricing options.

Exporting Purchasing Documents

If you're using a legacy purchasing application other than Oracle Purchasing to create purchasing documents, then when you click submit on the Create Purchase Documents page, the Negotiation Award Web Service is invoked and generates the OAGIS award XML file and passes this to the external purchasing service. The external service processes the XML file and creates the purchase documents in the legacy purchasing application. The URL for this external service is configured in Configure Negotiation Award Outbound Service page in the Setup and Maintenance application.