Set Up Descriptive Flexfield Copying from Requisitions to Purchase Orders

You can use profile options to control whether the application copies descriptive flexfields from requisitions to purchase orders.

You have the option to copy flexfields from requisitions to associated purchase orders at the following levels:

  • header to header

  • line to line

  • distribution to distribution

To configure the profile options, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Procurement Foundation functional area.

  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter the profile option code or name and click Search.

  3. In the Search Results, click to select the row for the profile option.

  4. You can configure the profile option at the site level only. In the Profile Values section, select Yes to enable the profile option, or No to disable it.

List of Profile Options

This table lists the profile options you can use to control the copying of descriptive flexfields from requisitions to purchase orders.

Profile Option Code

Profile Option Name



Requisition Header Descriptive Flexfields Copied to Purchase Order Headers

Enable descriptive flexfields to be copied from a requisition header to the corresponding purchase order header when creating a new purchase order.


Requisition Line Descriptive Flexfields Copied to Purchase Order Lines

Enable descriptive flexfields to be copied from a requisition line to the corresponding purchase order line.


Requisition Distribution Descriptive Flexfields Copied to Purchase Order Distributions

Enable descriptive flexfields to be copied from a requisition distribution to the corresponding purchase order distribution.

When you enable these profile options:

  • Copying of descriptive flexfields is enabled in the automated and manual requisition to purchase order creation flows.

  • Grouping of requisitions and requisition lines on a purchase order is prevented.

  • If either the header profile (PO_COPY_REQ_HDR_DFF_TO_PO) or the line profile (PO_COPY_REQ_LINE_DFF_TO_PO) is set, requisition line grouping is prevented.

  • If the header profile (PO_COPY_REQ_HDR_DFF_TO_PO) isn't set, requisition grouping is allowed.

  • Grouping requisition lines on a single PO line is prevented in all cases.