Structured One-Time Delivery Address in Purchase Orders

As a buyer you can see a structured one-time delivery address while processing a requisition line into a purchase order, and while viewing and editing a purchase order that has a backing requisition.

Key details you should know about a structured one-time delivery address on a purchase order include:

  • What is a structured one-time delivery address?

  • How is it displayed on a purchase order?

  • How is it used in a purchase order?

Purpose of a Structured One-Time Delivery Address

When the feature is enabled in the application, a requester can enter a structured one-time delivery address for shipping when entering a requisition. The requester can use a structured one-time delivery address when a delivery should be made to a unique address not attached to an existing location in the application.

Structured one-time delivery address information is captured on a purchase order having a line sourced from the requisition. As a buyer, you can't enter or edit a structured one-time delivery address directly on a purchase order. You can't change the address on a purchase order line, schedule or distribution having a structured one-time address.

When the feature is enabled in the application, existing purchase orders created from requisitions with free-format one-time addresses aren't automatically upgraded to the structured one-time address format.

How a Structured One-Time Delivery Address Is Displayed on a Purchase Order

On a purchase order, a structured one-time delivery address is displayed in the fields for the Ship-to Location and Deliver-to Location. Structured one-time delivery address information is displayed in the same format as in the source requisition. As a buyer you can see the structured one-time delivery address wherever the ship-to or deliver-to location is shown in a purchase order, such as:

  • Process Requisitions page, in the Search Results: Requisition Lines section

  • Process Requisitions: Add to Document Builder dialog

  • Process Requisitions: Edit Document Builder page

  • Requisition Lines page, in the Search Results section

  • Manage Orders page, Schedules tab, in the Search Results

  • Purchase Order and Change Order pages, on the Main tab, in the General section

  • Purchase Order and Change Order pages: Lines, Schedules and Distributions tabs, in both tables and details pages

Hover over a structured one-time delivery address to view a tool tip displaying the full address. You can also click the contextual icon next to a structured one-time delivery address to view the location on a map.

On the Manage Orders pages you can't use the existing Ship-to Location and Deliver-to Location fields to search based on structured one-time address attributes.

How a Structured One-Time Delivery Address Is Used in a Purchase Order

The application calculates taxes based on the structured one-time delivery address entered on the source requisition, and displays the taxes on the purchase order.

You can communicate the structured one-time delivery address to the supplier using all supported methods, including PDF and electronic communication. For electronic communication, Oracle Collaboration Messaging is the supported framework.