Supplier Profile Change Requests

Supplier users with the Supplier Self Service Administrator job role have the authority to manage supplier profile information.

Supplier users can request changes to the following parts of a supplier's profile in Oracle Supplier Portal:

  • Organization Details (including supplier profile descriptive flexfields)

  • Tax Identifiers

  • Addresses (including supplier address descriptive flexfields)

  • Contacts (including supplier contact descriptive flexfields)

  • Payments (including payment methods and bank accounts)

  • Business Classifications

  • Products and Services

The Supplier Self Service Administrator predefined job roles provide supplier administrators with the ability to maintain supplier profile information:

Changes are subject to review and approval by the buying organization in accordance with the configured profile change request approval requirements. Supplier users can cancel a pending supplier profile change request, or withdraw it to make additional edits. The request can then be resubmitted.

Supplier Profile Change Request

The supplier profile change request process is as follows:

  1. The Supplier Self Service Administrator makes changes to the supplier profile information in the Supplier Portal work area. The changes made are submitted for review and approval by the buying organization.

    1. If none of the changes are in areas that are designated as requiring approval, the request is automatically processed. If any change in the request is in an area requiring approval, the entire request is submitted for approval.

  2. If approval is required, the profile change request goes through a collaborative review process facilitated by the Approval Management Service. Approvers as identified by the approval configuration setup are notified. Buying organization approvers who have the Edit Supplier Profile Change Request privilege can edit the profile change request during approval.

  3. The outcome of the review is to either approve or reject the change. The change request submitter is notified of the outcome.

  4. If a user account is requested as part of the profile change request, it's submitted to the identity management system for processing.

  5. Upon successful creation of a user account, an email notification with account credentials is sent to the new user.