About Supplier Profile Change Approvals Setup

Supplier profile change approvals setup task enables organizations to setup the approval routing policies for supplier profile changes initiated through various sources.

Supplier profile changes can be initiated by a supplier user directly when managing the supplier profile in Supplier Portal or when a Supplier Qualification or Supplier Negotiation questionnaire response including supplier profile attributes is accepted. All these processes will result in initiating a change management process if they reflect changes in supplier profile information. The supplier profile updates are aggregated on a profile change request which is routed for approval. When the change Setting up Document Approvals request is approved, the changes included in the change request are saved to the profile.

To manage approval rules for these change requests, access the Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals setup task from the Functional Setup Manager task list Define Approval Management for Procurement.

The setup task has an approval configuration with two stages which are configured to be executed in serial.

Seeded Stages for Supplier Profile Change Approvals in Oracle Fusion Supplier Model

Both the stages have three seeded participants. Out of all, only first stage participant Parallel Approval First Responder Wins is enabled out of the box. The other participants are disabled to simplify the approval process and approval history reporting that picks all the enabled participants in its report. You may enable or disable any participant as per use.

Seeded Supplier Profile Change Request Participants in First Stage Approvals

Seeded Supplier Profile Change Request Participants in Second Stage Approvals

Change Request First Stage Approvals

Seeded Participants

  1. Parallel Approval First Responder Wins
    • All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. The first responder who approves or rejects the request defines the outcome of all remaining approvers. This is the only participant that is enabled out of the box.
  2. Parallel Approval
    • All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. Approval is required from all approvers.
  3. Serial Approval
    • Approvals are routed in serial. The approval is completed sequentially from approver to approver.

Change Request Second Stage Approvals

Seeded Participants

  1. Parallel Approval First Responder Wins
    • All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. The first responder who approves or rejects the request defines the outcome of all remaining approvers.
  2. Parallel Approval
    • All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. Approval is required from all approvers.
  3. Serial Approval
    • Approvals are routed in serial. The approval is completed sequentially from approver to approver.

An approval rule is seeded in the change request first stage participant: Parallel Approval First Responder Wins. The seeded approval rule routes profile change requests to the Supplier Administrators group, which is a list of users that are set up as procurement agents with supplier administrator related privileges and can manage suppliers. Like supplier registration and spend authorization approval tasks, Supplier Administrators and Supplier Managers routing groups are available for the supplier profile change request approval task. These routing groups can be used in any user defined approval rule. When configuring the approval action details, select Route Using as Single Approver, and User Type as Supplier Administrators or Supplier Managers as needed.