Examples of Question Branching

These two scenarios show how to use question branching in simple questions. In each example, the supplier qualification manager creates a primary question and one or more follow-up questions. These questions are displayed depending on the answer to the primary question.


Tim Jones is creating a question for use in later qualification initiatives. This question asks the supplier to identify whether the company is public or private. It accepts a single answer. If the answer to the question is "public," the supplier must answer an additional question. This question asks the supplier to specify the date the company went public. If the answer to the question is "private," the supplier does not supply any additional information.


Carmen SantAngelo is creating a question to use when soliciting certification information for suppliers. The primary question includes a list of several possible certifications for the type of supplier. The supplier chooses all the certifications from the list that apply to the supplier company. Depending on which certification the supplier chooses, an additional question is displayed which prompts the supplier for the latest certification date.