How You Assign Returned Requisition Lines to the Previous Buyer

Configure the application to assign returned requisition lines to the previously assigned buyer with the site-level profile option Retain Last Assigned Buyer on Requisition Line.

If enabled, when a requester resubmits a returned line, the line is reassigned to the buyer that returned it. Buyer assignment rules aren't invoked when returned requisition lines are resubmitted, but are invoked for other active lines, such as those with Rejected, Withdrawn, or Incomplete status. Set the Retain Last Assigned Buyer on Requisition Line (POR_RETAIN_LAST_ASSIGNED_BUYER) profile option to Yes to enable this feature. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Self Service Procurement functional area. The default value for the Retain Last Assigned Buyer on Requisition Line profile option is No.