Schedule Components

Schedules are comprised of workday patterns and exceptions. Workday patterns are comprised of shifts. You can also create exceptions, nonworking days, to the schedules.

Begin by creating shifts and then assigning those shifts to workday patterns. Next, create a schedule that's a collection of workday patterns and any exception dates.
Schedule components flow diagram


A shift is a period of time, typically expressed in hours, and it can be defined by a start time and an end time, or a duration. A shift can be for a work period or an off period. You can create time, duration, and elapsed shifts.

Workday Pattern

A workday pattern is a collection of shifts for a specific number of days. You can create time, duration, and elapsed workday patterns.


An exception is a record of a date that overrides the availability of a resource to which a schedule has been assigned. For example, a resource is assigned a schedule that includes December 25 as a working day. An exception can be created for December 25 and applied to that schedule to override resource availability for that date. Exceptions can also be for a date time period such as 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on December 25th.


A schedule is defined by a start date, an end date, and a sequence of workday patterns to be followed between those dates. A schedule can also contain exception dates that override the availability of resources to which the schedule is assigned. Quarter types such as 4-4-5, 4-5-4 are supported.