Security - Roles and Privileges Real Time


Provides real-time information about the security setup in the application. This subject area is independent of the pillar and can be used to report on roles and details across pillars like HCM, ERP, SCM and so on.

Use this subject area to report on role categories, roles, functional security policies, data security policies, and the users assigned to the roles.

You can report on the correlation between the objects like the roles that are directly assigned to another role, the roles that are inherited by the virtue of the directly assigned roles, or the functional and data security policies that are directly assigned to the roles.

For a given user, all the roles that have been assigned can also be reported.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Tools > Security Console

Time Reporting

This subject area does not support history data.

Transactional Grain

Not applicable.

Special Considerations

This subject area is used to report on users, functional security policies, and data security policies all in the correlation of roles. For a role, you can report on functional security policies, or data security policies, or users. If you try to combine all the security objects in a single report, it displays an error message. This subject area can't be used to create a cross subject area report.