Attributes Supported in Oracle XML Punchout

TheXML OrderLinesDataElements document contains the shopping cart items the requester checked out from the supplier site. When users checkout items from a supplier site, they are redirected to the Oracle Self Service Procurement the XML OrderLinesDataElements document.

Here's an example OrderLinesDataElements document that's sent to Self Service Procurement from a supplier site.

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <header version="1.0">
        <return returnCode="S"/>
                <item lineType="GOODS" quantity="1">
                            <manufacturerName>Spruce Inc</manufacturerName>
                    <itemDescription>CART MEDICAL A-SMART ALUMINUM BLUE GREY D25.4 X W25.3 X H43.4 IN W15 IN 6 DRAWER NARROW AUTO LOCK</itemDescription>
                    <categoryCode categoryCodeIdentifier="UNSPSC">42000000</categoryCode>
                    <supplierName>Vision Corporation</supplierName>
                    <supplierSite>New York</supplierSite>
                    <contactName>Lewis, Chad</contactName>

Each orderLine element in OrderLinesDataElements represents a single line in the user's shopping cart.

This table lists the mapping of fields in the orderLine of the OrderLinesDataElements document to Self Service Procurement fields.

XML Field in OrderLinesDataElements

Field in Self Service Procurement




The contractNumber field maps to Agreement. The contractNumber tag must be a child tag of the buyerContract tag of the payload.

By mapping the buyer contract number value to an agreement, source document number is derived. If this contract number matches an open, effective blanket or contract purchase agreement number in Oracle Purchasing, then the requisition line gets created with that agreement.


Agreement Line

The buyerContractLineNumber field maps to Blanket Purchase Agreement Line. The buyerContractLineNumber tag must be a child tag of the buyerContract tag of the payload.

If both buyerContractLineNumber and supplierItemNumber are populated, the buyer contract line number will be used for the source document line number. Otherwise, if only the supplier item number is specified, then supplier item number is used to look up the source document line number.

<item line type

Line Type

The lineType of element item field maps to Line Type. The valid values are GOODS, or SERVICES_AMOUNT.

GOODS maps to Goods and SERVICES_AMOUNT maps to Fixed-Price Services. If a value isn't provided or any other value is provided, line type will default to Goods.

GOODS is the default line type when nothing is specified or any value other than valid values is specified.

For example: <item lineType="SERVICES_AMOUNT">

<item quantity>


The quantity of element item field maps to attribute Quantity on requisition line. Quantity is a required field except when it's a amount-based service line.

For example: <item lineType="GOODS" quantity = "1">



Supplier’s description of the item. This description populates the Item Description in the requisition line. This is a required field.



Supplier’s unit of measure code. This is a required field.

You can use supplier content map sets to map external UOM to the internal UOM.


Supplier UOM Quantity

Supplier’s quantity in the specified unit of measure.

For example, a Box of 12 would indicate Box for the <supplierUOMType> and 12 for the <supplierUOMQuantity>.

The <supplierUOMQuantity> is used by the UOM mapping set up in Oracle applications.


Hazard Class

Hazard class name for the item. If the external value doesn't map to a valid hazard class in Oracle applications, then the Hazard Class is left blank.



The <categoryCode> field maps to Category. This is a required field.

You can use supplier content map sets to map external categories to the internal item categories.

The default category name specified in the punchout catalog will be used if the application couldn't determine an internal category for the classification provided.

<categoryCode categoryCodeIdentifier>


If categoryCodeIdentifier attribute value in the categoryCode tag is either SPSC or UNSPSC then the categoryCode is also stored as a UNSPSC code on the requisition line.

For example: <categoryCode categoryCodeIdentifier="SPSC">42000000</categoryCode>



Currency in which the price is specified by the supplier. This is a required field.



The price per unit of the item. This is a required field.


Supplier D-U-N-S

Supplier’s D-U-N-S number, used to retrieve the supplier name and supplier site information in Oracle applications.


Supplier Trading Partner Code

The supplierTradingPartnerCode is used if the supplier doesn't have a D-U-N-S number, and this field should be populated with a unique alphanumeric code that the buyer uses to identify the internal supplier code in Oracle Applications, for mapping.



Supplier’s name. This supplier name is also mapped to the Vendor Name value in Oracle applications.


Supplier Site

Supplier site name. This supplier site is mapped to the Vendor Site value in Oracle applications.



contactName maps to the suggested supplier's contact name.


Contact Phone

contactPhone maps to the suggested supplier's contact phone.


Supplier Item

The itemID of the supplierItemNumber tag maps to the supplier part number of the item.


Supplier Configuration ID

Reference number provided by the supplier for this item or order, contained in the <supplierItemNumber> field.

If the supplier specifies a supplierReferenceNumber, then that value is used as the Supplier Configuration ID (Supplier Item Auxiliary ID) for the item.


Manufacturer Part Number

The itemID of the manufacturerItemNumber tag maps to the manufacturer part number of the item.



Name of the manufacturer for this item. This name populates the Manufacturer Name on the requisition line.

attribute1 to attribute15


These 15 additional attributes are mapped to requisition line level descriptive flexfield text attributes 1 to 15.

You can use these attributes in the order line to capture additional information needed for reporting and downstream order processing.

Here's an example of how you can capture the additional information using these attributes to capture whether the items procured from a supplier are hazardous:

  • Create a requisition line level descriptive flexfield to capture this information.

    For example: ATTRIBUTE1 stores this information for a requisition line.

  • Supplier must send this information for each item in the order line so that this can be captured in the ATTRIBUTE1 for the requisition line.

    For example: <attribute1>Value from the Supplier Punchout</attribute1>. These attributes must be provided as a child tags of the orderLine tag of the payload as shown here:


