Examples of Requalification

There may be many situations where you must modify existing qualifications or assessments. You may also want to create initiatives and use them to obtain current information that you can use to requalify your suppliers.

The scenarios below present some situations where you may want to update your qualifications, assessments, or create qualifications, assessments, or initiatives.


Extending the End Date For an Existing Qualification

James Nance, the supplier qualification manager, notices that the Security Control qualification for PennyPack Systems is close to expiration. He views the qualification and edits the end date so that it extends for another six months. He can successfully extend the qualification date because there are no PennyPack Systems qualifications in the future with which the extension would overlap.


Predate the Start Date for a Future Qualification

Diane Cho sees that the Environmental Certification qualification for Allied Plastics expire in 30 days. However, when she checks on this, she notices that there is a subsequent Environmental Certification for Allied Plastics doesn't begin until 60 days from today. So that the qualifications won't lapse between the expiration of the current qualification and the beginning of the subsequent qualification, she accesses the future qualification and moves the start date back 30 days so the current qualification will end 30 days from today and the subsequent qualification will begin the next day.


Extend the End Date of an Existing Assessment

Carlos Diaz has just arrived to work and is viewing his Watchlist to see if there are any issues he must address. He sees that there is an expiration reminder for the General assessment for Blue Semiconductors. When he views the assessment information, he notices in addition to the current assessment's upcoming expiration date, that the next assessment doesn't begin until 60 days after this assessment's end date. Carlos decided to modify the assessment end date so that its expiration is right before the beginning of the future assessment.


Revise Qualification - Uptake New Responses

Francois Mierot receives an entry in the Recent Activities table on his work area that there are new supplier responses to the Financial Visibility qualification for Spruce Street Foods. He views the qualification details page, and chooses to revise the qualification. He views the new responses. He chooses to uptake the new responses. Also, because the new responses are more favorable, he chooses to update the Outcome value for the qualification. Finally, since there is now a more current qualification, he chooses to end date the existing qualification and set the start date for the new qualification to today's date.


Revise Assessment - Uptake New Qualifications

The supplier qualification manager at US Electronics, Jenna Markum, has created a General assessment for supplier Seven Corporation. which has recently expired. The assessment includes the Financial Viability qualification which is also expired. However, Jenna knows that a new active qualification is now available for Financial Viability for Seven Corporation. The new qualification uses the same revision of the qualification area as the expired qualification. She wants to update the assessment with the new qualification.

She views the assessment and selects the revise option. She views the new qualification and chooses to replace the existing qualification with the new qualification. She updates the assessment outcome to a more favorable value based on the outcome of the new qualification. Finally, she end dates the existing assessment and sets the new assessment's Start Date to today. She saves the new assessment.


Requalifying using a new Initiative

While looking through his Worklist, Green Corporation's qualification manager, Michael Anderson, sees that the Quality Control qualification for one of Green's suppliers is nearing expiration, and he must requalify the supplier. He views the Manage Qualifications page and selects the option to requalify using a new initiative.

The application creates a new initiative and copies the existing supplier and qualification area information. If there is a new version of the qualification area, the application uses it. The existing qualification owner and supplier contact are used. The qualification owner is added to the evaluation team. The most currently available question responses are copied. A new questionnaire is sent to the supplier.

When the supplier responds with new answers, Michael reviews and accepts the responses. Once all the qualification evaluators have approved the qualification, Michael end dates the current qualification and sets the start and end dates for the new qualification.