How You Associate Catalog Category Hierarchy with Catalog

Administrators can group punchout, informational catalogs, and request forms by category.

Users can browse to retrieve punchout, informational catalogs, and request forms together with local content. Users can also search for all content (local content, punchout, request forms, informational content) regardless of how the content is grouped.

Local content (item master items and agreement lines) is associated with purchasing categories. Request forms, punchout, and informational catalogs can optionally be associated with any level of the category hierarchy (browsing or purchasing category).

What Happens When You Associate Catalog Category Hierarchy With Catalog

When an administrator associates punchout, informational, local, or request form content to a category, the application associates the content with all the browsing and purchasing categories of the same branch. Item master items, and agreement items are indexed with their corresponding purchasing categories.

For example, in the figure below, the Dell USA punchout is associated with the browsing category Computers. When you navigate down the branch from the Information Technology browsing category to the Computer Servers purchasing category, the search results always include the punchout catalog. The categories of the same branch as Computers are:

  • Information Technology

  • Components for Information Technology

  • Computers

  • Computer Servers

The informational catalog How to Request Computer Services is associated with the browsing category Information Technology. As you navigate the Information Technology branch, the Informational Catalog is seen at the following levels:

  • Information Technology

  • Components for Information Technology

  • System Cards

  • Computers

  • Memory Module Cards

  • Computer Servers

Local catalog items are also included in browsing results. Using the example in the figure below, items in blanket purchase agreements with supplier Zones Corporate are associated with the Information Technology content zone. Such items show up as you navigate down the Information Technology branch, based on the content available to you from the content zone.

The procurement catalog is automatically updated after an administrator saves any changes made to the catalog category hierarchy.

This figure shows the example catalog category hierarchy structure discussed in this topic.

Catalog category hierarchy structure.