How You Correct the Supplier Item Number on Purchase Orders Sourced from Blanket Agreements

To correct the supplier item number on purchase orders sourced from blanket agreements, you can use the Correct the Supplier Item Number on Purchase Orders feature.

Using the feature, you can update the supplier item number on purchase orders via the Edit Change Order page. During the Purchase Order Acknowledgment process, as a supplier, you can update supplier item number to make corrections on purchase order lines sourced from blanket purchase agreements.

Here are some considerations for using the feature:

  • Using the feature, buyers can also update the supplier item number on behalf of their suppliers.
  • Suppliers can correct supplier item numbers through the Oracle Purchase Order Acknowledgment Inbound message on Oracle Fusion Cloud Collaboration Messaging Framework. Such changes are possible even if the purchase order line is sourced from a blanket purchase agreement.
  • You can update supplier items on Incomplete and Open purchase orders sourced from blanket purchase agreements using the REST Draft Purchase Orders resource.