How You Ensure Buyers Process Requester-Initiated Changes

You can require buyers to review and process requester-initiated changes to open purchase orders.

When you do, any changes proposed by requesters will be automatically created as internal change orders. This applies even if the proposed changes include supplier-facing attributes that would create a revision to the purchase order document.

This is how the process works:

  1. The requester creates requester-initiated change on the open purchase order.
  2. The buyer is notified when a requester-initiated change requires their action. After the internal change order is approved, the buyer will receive a notification and will be required to act on the requester-initiated change.
    Note: The Requester-Initiated Change Requires Action notification can be modified by updating the Purchase Order Approval Notification Layout Template in Oracle Analytics Publisher.
  3. The buyer reviews the requester-initiated change on Pending Buyer Action status. The Pending Buyer Action status on the requester change order indicates that the buyer must review the proposed changes and either modify them, submit them as they are, or reject them.

    When buyers process a requester-initiated change on pending buyer action, either through the edit or submit action, a buyer change order is created with the details copied from the requester-initiated change.

    • If the buyer processes a requester change through the edit action, the buyer change order is created with an incomplete status.
    • If the buyer processes a requester change through the submit action without editing, the application validates that the information in the created buyer change order is still valid after submission. If the information is no longer valid, the buyer will be notified that validation failed for the buyer change order, and the status will be set to incomplete.
  4. The Accept action is recorded on the purchase order document history for the requester change order.
    • Deleting a buyer change order in an incomplete status related to a requester-initiated change sets the requester change order back to Pending Buyer Action. It also removes the accept action for the requester change order from the purchase order document history and clears the processed requester change order from its change history.
    • When canceling a buyer change order related to a requester-initiated change, both the buyer change order and the requester-initiated change get canceled.

Here are some considerations for requiring buyers to review and process requester-initiated changes to open purchase orders:

  • A new infolet called Change Requests is available for buyers in the Purchase Orders work area. This infolet shows the number of pending requester change orders that require buyer action.
    Note: The Change Requests infolet is hidden by default and can be exposed by clicking the My Infolets icon on the Purchase Orders work area.
  • A new approval attribute named Processed by Buyer from Requester-Initiated Changes is available to create approval rules. You can set conditions to check if the buyer change order originated from a requester-initiated change and route it for approval accordingly.
  • You can create requester-initiated changes using the Self Service Procurement application, Responsive Self Service Procurement application, and Draft Purchase Orders REST resource.