How You Extend the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration Capabilities

Supplier registration can have unique requirements based on factors like geographic region and industry.

If the information requested in the registration flow isn't tailored to the supplier based on these types of factors, it can be confusing and result in higher support costs with lower registration success rates. Create a seamless experience for your suppliers in the next generation supplier self-service registration by using business rules in the Oracle's Visual Builder (VB) Studio.

The business rules offer a user-friendly interface that allows you to extend registration pages to make fields required or optional, read-only, or editable, or hidden. These properties can also be applied conditionally based on specific criteria such as country. With business rules, you can efficiently deliver a tailored registration experience for suppliers with lower support costs.

In this update, business rules are supported on the Company Details page, and additional pages are planned for the future. You can configure the individual attributes, including descriptive flexfields, per your business needs. In VB Studio, after you enter the workspace of a project, navigate to the layouts. Under Register Supplier click the SupplierRegistration page and then the Business Rules tab to access the default rules for the company details attributes.

You can configure individual attributes, including descriptive flexfields, on contacts and address pages and add conditions in business rules using country, organization type, supplier type, and business relationship attributes.

Default Business Rules

Since the default rules can't be modified, duplicate a default rule to create a new rule set, which you'll use to configure the attribute properties. Click on the action drawer and then the duplicate action to create a duplicate of the default rules. On the new duplicated rule set, toggle the options available under the required, hidden, and read-only columns to change the display properties of the individual attributes. For example, you can enable the descriptive flexfields and also configure individual descriptive flexfields as required or hidden. Unchanged attributes will keep the default properties.

Extension Business Rules Set to Enable Descriptive Flexfields

You can also add conditions on extension business rules using country, organization type, supplier type, and business relationship attributes. For example, you can configure taxpayer ID and supplier type as required for United States. In the conditions section, select the value of country as United States and then configure the taxpayer ID and supplier type attributes as required.

Configure Descriptive Flexfields

If you’re currently using or plan to use descriptive flexfields of type, list of values, you need to make additional setup changes to allow anonymous users access to the value sets. The setup must be performed for new as well as your existing descriptive flexfields, for more information, see How to Enable Descriptive Flexfields in the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration.

Consider these when you’re extending the capabilities of the next generation supplier self-service registration:
  • At any point in time, only one business rules set will be applicable. The sets are evaluated from top to bottom and the first applicable set is considered. You must therefore position the always applied extension business rules set towards the bottom. If none of the extension rules apply, default (built-in) rules will be considered to render the page.
  • The default properties of attributes are applicable if their properties are left unchanged on the applicable extension business rules.
  • Adding conditions on extension business rules isn’t mandatory.
  • Other extension capabilities like adding instruction texts or hyperlinks using dynamic containers delivered in a previous update, will continue to function as is. For example, you can add country-specific instruction text on the company details page to provide guidance on what documents must be attached. If you have implemented any extensions that aren't supported such as those on the dynamic components under Layouts, you must delete them. For more information, see Delete an Extension.
  • To rename attributes, you need to use the user interface text tool editor.