Initiate a New Round of Response

If you reach the end of a negotiation with no clear winners, you may choose to close the round and initiate a new round of responding. Once a new round has been started, all participants can enter responses again.

This is useful when there are participants you have restricted to a single response per round.

To start a new round of responding, you close the active negotiation, and then create a new round, giving it a new close date. Note that there is a response control you can set to require that a supplier's new response price must be lower than that supplier's last response price in the previous round. The new round has a number suffixed to the original negotiation number. For example, if the original negotiation was number 500, the new round is 500-2.

Initiating a New Round of Responding

Vision Corporation is conducting an auction for high end electronics. The auction is close to its close date but the responses have not been acceptable. The category manager decides to take the negotiation to a subsequent round of responding.

  1. From the negotiation work area Overview page, the category manager accesses the negotiation.

  2. From the negotiation summary page, the category manager selects the Close suboption from the Manage option of the Actions menu. She chooses to close the negotiation immediately and submits the close request.

  3. After the negotiation is closed, she selects the Create New Round suboption from the Manage option of the Actions menu.

  4. She accepts the defaults on the Create New Round dialog box.

  5. On the Edit Negotiation page, she enters a new close date. She makes any other changes to the negotiation and publishes it, opening it to a new round of responding. All suppliers on the invitation list are sent notifications apprising them of the new round.